






The land of Taizhou is wide and the sea is boundless. The clouds and water are extended and the islands are evergreen.

Taizhou is surrounded by mountains and the sea. Shifeng River and Yong'an River originate from Tiantai and Xianju, merging at Linhai to form the Lingjiang River, which has nurtured the culture of a thousand-year capital city. Taizhou is such a city that has the natural resources of the mountains and the sea.

The convergence of river brings the convergence of culture, and also shapes the spirit of harmony, openness and innovation, and future-oriented of Taizhou people. In ancient times, the culture of harmony was born here and went to the world. In modern times, the share cooperative economy originated here and the private economy of China was born here. Now, the integration of high-speed rail brings the gathering of resource elements and the private economy will continue to create new glories.

In the context of the new era, we are seeking design proposals for the Sanjiangkou area in Taizhou City from planners, architects and designers around the world, hoping to create a showcase for Taizhou's industry, culture and ecology, an industrial and economic energy field to empower the development of private economy, and a new urban space gathering point to carry the outward expansion of the city center of Taizhou.

「汇 · 合|三江未来城」



Taizhou Sanjiangkou Region Conceptual Planning and Core Area Urban Design International Competition





Taizhou Sanjiangkou area is located at the confluence of Lingjiang River, Jiaojiang River and Yongningjiang River, the junction of Jiaojiang District, Huangyan District and Linhai City, the place between two stations, Taizhou Railway Station and Taizhouxi Railway Station. See the map below for details.


 Project Location



The Sanjiangkou area, where three rivers meet and three mountains embrace each other, is the center of natural geography. As early as the Ming and Qing dynasties, commerce gathered and flourished here. In modern times, Jiangkou Port was built and shipping was pivoted and flourished here. Nowadays, private enterprises are flourishing here. In the future, Sanjiangkou area, which is at the junction of three districts, will take advantage of the integration of Taizhou Station and Taizhouxi Station, take over and gather various resource elements, and usher in the opportunity of urban and industrial development in the new era.

The future of the Sanjiangkou area will not only be the confluence of rivers, the convergence of cultures, and the integration of life and production, but also the exploration of the future city, the development model of industry, humanities, and ecological synergy by planners, architects, and designers.


The competition is divided into 2 parts, the conceptual planning of the Sanjiangkou area and the urban design of the core area:


Competition Scope




Conceptual Planning of the Sanjiangkou Area 

Scope: Taizhou Sanjiangkou area is located at the confluence of Lingjiang River, Jiaojiang River and Yongningjiang River, the junction of Jiaojiang District, Huangyan District and Linhai City, the place between two stations, Taizhou Railway Station and Taizhouxi Railway Station. West to Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou High-speed Railway, east to Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Taizhou High-speed Railway, north to Jiaobei Expressway, south to the administrative boundary of Huangyan District, with a total area of about 55 square kilometers.

Requirements: Based on the industrial base of the Sanjiangkou area and the cultural genes of the Jiao (Ling) River watershed, the applicants are required to build an urban space that empowers the vitality of the private economy in the new era, with industry, life, ecology, humanity and total prosperity. Referring to international advanced industrial cities, the entrants will propose the master planning path and urban industrial development study from the macro level, implement the overall spatial guidance, create urban industrial space and public open space, build a diversified transportation system, and propose a general implementation plan.




Urban Design of the Core Area

Scope: West to the branch line of S38 Taizhou City, east to the administrative boundary of Jiaojiang District, north to the planning boundary, and south to the administrative boundary of Huangyan District , with a total area of about 28.5 square kilometers.

Requirements: Responding to the core idea of "HE", deepening the conceptual planning, highlighting the characteristics of private economy industry in Sanjiangkou area, and carrying out detailed urban design for the core area. Specifically, it includes urban space structure and functional zoning, industrial development strategy, refinement of functional mode, spatial form design, public open space, etc.







Phase I: 

Open application and qualification and concept plan proposal selection shortlisting phase

Late May, 2023 to late June, 2023

Phase II: 

Formal preparation and submission of concept plan and urban design and competition evaluation phase

Late June, 2023 to late August, 2023


The exact schedule is subject to the official announcement and the organizers reserve the right to adjust the schedule.







The total prize pool amounted to $18.9 million RMB (incl. GST), with six candidates

First prize (1): 3.5 million RMB (incl. GST)

Second prize (1): 2.4 million RMB (incl. GST)

Third prize (1): 2 million RMB (incl. GST)

Finalists (3): 1.5 million RMB each (incl. GST)

Finally, the winning bidder was identified by means of evaluation and separation to provide subsequent deepening and integration services and regional general design consulting services at a cost of 6.5 million RMB (incl. GST). The regional total design consulting service time is 3 years. The winning bidder needs to provide planning technical consultation and assist in technical review for the subsequent planning and development construction and other related activities in the Sanjiangkou area to ensure the accurate conduction of the design planning concept into the ground for implementation.




Host:|Taizhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Jiaojiang District People’s Government, Huangyan District People’s Government, Linhai City People’s Government

Organizer:|Taizhou Sanjiang New Towm Development and Construction Co., Ltd

Co-organizer| One-tenth Art Company


In the open registration stage, all applicants with relevant design experience (independent legal entity, consortium) globally can register for the competition. One consortium shall consist of no more than 3 members, and each party of the consortium is not allowed to take part in the competition separately on its own name or by composing a consortium with other design institutions.


Formal registration will be launched in late May, 2023. Design agencies are welcome to scan the code to submit pre-registration information and stay tuned to the subsequent information release.


QR code for pre-registration

梁女士 Ms. Liang



(10:00-12:00 & 14:00-17:00, Monday to Friday, Beijing Time)

邮箱 E-mail

[email protected]


One-tenth Competition WeChat account


(Please note, "Sanjiangkou" + the applicant's name and institute when adding)


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