“bed rotting”在外网爆火,上亿人沉迷摆烂视频,但……
最近,一种生活方式在外网火了起来,尤其在年轻人当中最为流行,话题标签#bed rotting在TikTok上走红,年轻人们将“bed rotting”视作“自我保健”(self-care)的方式,一种充电放松的休息模式。
Whatever you call it, getting cozy and lying in bed for an extended period of time—and maybe drifting in and out of sleep, eating, talking on the phone, or watching a show—is not a new concept. But like everything else, Gen Z has given an old phenomenon a new name, albeit a not so appetizing one: Hello, bed rotting. The phrase has garnered over 100 million TikTok views.
bed rotting的诱惑
Bed rotting这一话题的爆火源于一位TikTok博主在去年发布的一则视频,她在视频中问道:“谁能真的喜欢在床上摆烂呢?”,同时又在视频的末尾指了指自己。
随后,越来越多的短视频用户发布了相关的视频,表达自己对bed rotting的喜欢。“床上摆烂”的视频如井喷般在互联网上流传。
澳大利亚睡眠科学家、睡眠与习惯博士研究员凡妮莎Vanessa Hill在其视频中将bed rotting定义为:
Bed rotting is actually when you do literally nothing but lying in bed. It's the end of optimization and it's anti-productivity because you are "wasting" your time under a blanket and the nothingness is your best life.
网友们也不甘示弱,拍摄创造了一系列与bed rotting相关的视频和表情包来表达自己对bed rotting的喜爱。
"Me after getting ready and feeling like myself again after rotting in bed for a week."
"Have you ever heard of bed rotting? It's something that I learned about last week, but it's something I've been doing for years off and on. Normally in the past if I stayed in bed all day I would feel so guilty, but now that I learned that this is a thing. I am no longer gonna feel guilty for bed rotting."
“你听说过“bed rotting”吗?我上周才听说这个词,但我其实已经这样做很多年了。平时我会因为一整天躺在床上而感到羞愧,但现在我再也不会这样了。”
TikTok上的年轻人将“bed rotting”视作一种“自我保健”的方式,一种充电放松的休息模式。
同样可以表达“摆烂”意味的,还有牛津词典2022年度热词“goblin mode”,字面为“地精模式, 哥布林模式”, 实际指的就是“摆烂模式”。
《牛津词典》将其注解为“behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy”, 即一种“毫无愧疚感的自我放纵、懒惰、邋遢或贪婪”状态。
从中国语境来说,还有一个我们更加熟悉的词——躺平(lying flat)。
The idea of 'lying flat', or tang ping in Chinese, means taking a break from relentless work. The trend took off during 2021 as many felt they were coming under increasing pressure to work even harder and out perform their peers.
不少年轻人将此视为一种减压方式,殊不知在“床上摆烂”太久,有很多健康风险。随着bed rotting的爆火,批评之声也随之而来。
CNN将bed rotting称作一种自我保健的“毒药性一面”,并且在报道中指出了一系列其可能对人们身心健康带来的负面影响。
作为一名TikTok使用者和一名医生杰西卡·戈德(Jessica Gold)是一名bed rotting的“支持者”,但她指出:
Lounging in bed for more than a day or two is concerning and could point to different mental health issues.
The urge to rot in bed all day, especially if it happens more and more, is likely about something more than just catching up on sleep or needing a day to donothing, but avoiding the feelings, stress or pain of being awake.
As a general guideline, if you are not asleep within 30 minutes of getting into bed or are awake for more than 20 minutes during the night, you should get out of bed.
媒体Fourtune Well将bed rotting称为一种“反生产力的黑客”。
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院精神病学和行为科学教授、心理学主任兼研究中心主任、心理学家西蒙·A·雷戈 (Simon A. Rego)表示:
At first glance, there is likely a lot of good that can come from slowing down to recharge, refresh and reset.However, balance is important for well-being, he said. Spending too much time lying in bed can disrupt your mood and increase stress. “Be mindful and avoid overdoing it, no matter how good it may feel in the moment,” he said.
来源:英国报姐 TikTok CNN 卫报 Fourtune Well
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