Making AI digital clones requires a certain amount of computing power, but the demand is much higher than training computing power itself.
AI portrait apps are nothing new. Several face-changing softwares were launched, both at home and abroad, over the past few years. Lensa, an AI portrait app, quickly topped the App Store download lists in markets like the United States and Canada as soon as it was launched at the end of last year.
对于很多社恐(social anxiety disorder)来说,去到线下化妆、选衣服、摆姿势以及和修图师沟通并不是一件易事。现在在家躺着就可以拍写真了,非常方便。
As AIGC, represented by ChatGPT, took the world by storm, it further lowered the barrier for people to interact with AI. As a group of domestic companies launched various large language models, rising AIGC applications are more and more accessible.
北京市社会科学研究院副研究员王鹏表示,AI写真的出圈可以算是AIGC时代面向客户端一个较好的应用,但要形成真正的商业模式,还有很长的路要走。比如推理算力需求高于训练算力,算力成本仍是AIGC应用的瓶颈之一(Computing power cost is still one of the bottlenecks of AIGC applications),“说AI写真要替代线下照相馆还为时尚早”。
With the rise of AIGC large language models, data security problems arise such as illegal data acquisition, data leakage, and malicious abuse of data. Ensuring the security of AIGC apps is increasingly important, she said.
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