今天是第13个“全球老虎日”。中国日报外籍记者内森(Nathan Williams),来到位于吉林和黑龙江省交界处的东北虎豹国家公园,开启了一段寻觅东北虎的旅程。
Jiang Guangshun, a professor of wild animal resources at the Northeast Forestry University in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, said his research team calculates that the area the tigers inhabited across the Sino-Russian border expanded by about 12 kilometers every three years from 2003 to 2016. "As natural habitats are being restored in China, more Amur tigers are giving birth and raising cubs in the country, meaning that they are gradually expanding into China," Jiang said.
Jiang said that before the 1980s, at least 150 Amur tigers lived in the forests of Northeast China. However, economic development in the area saw their numbers fall to about 12. In 1998, China began balancing economic development with forest protection, and started a number of conservation projects. As a result, the tiger population has grown.
Wang Zhigang, head of Dongning's forestry bureau said: "As the population of prey species including wild boar and deer rises, Amur tigers are venturing farther into China for food. Tiger fur has been seen in ditches along the borders. The expansion of the tigers' range is expected to continue."
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