当前中国经济的恢复势头如何?在更具挑战性和日益复杂的国内外经济形势下,中国是否能跨越中等收入陷阱?日本“失去的十年”会在中国重演吗?面对社会普遍关注的经济问题,中国日报《经济学家说》栏目近日独家连线了摩根士丹利中国首席经济学家邢自强(Robin Xing)。
If China can successfully break out of its debt deflation risk scenario through coordinated monetary and fiscal easing, we think China's nominal GDP growth will be back to a very healthy range of around 5 percent by 2025. So that will be very attractive for foreign capital.
Today housing construction is only 7 percent of China's GDP. It's already lower than Japan's housing investment as a percentage of its GDP.
I think China has a lot of policy tools to avoid that trap. And if we see these policies introduced in a timely manner, say next year, I have confidence that China can avoid a Japan-style "lost decade".
We are expecting about 4 percent growth for the next three to five years. That's still respectable growth. And with that growth China will be able to cross the high-income status threshold by 2027. So China will be able to break this middle-income trap.
来源: qq