


近日,据外媒报道,贾达·萍克·史密斯近日登上《People》杂志,首次谈到了去年造成恶劣影响的威尔史密斯在奥斯卡颁奖礼上掌掴Chris Rock事件。而在她即将于10月17日发行的回忆录《Worthy》里,提到了和威尔史密斯已经分居7年,哪怕去年打人事件发生时,俩人还在分居。

谈到Chris Rock的玩笑,52岁的贾达表示:“我还以为这是个小品。”和许多守着看直播的人一样,她起初也不相信这是真的,“我当时想,‘威尔不可能打他'。直到威尔开始走回椅子,我才意识到这不是一个小品。”演出结束后,两人独处时她对威尔说的第一句话是:“你还好吗?”

贾达在 《Worthy》中写道:“我将陪伴在威尔身边。我会陪在他身边,但也会让他自己去解决这个问题。”




2020年,R&B歌手August Alsina透露与贾达秘密交往过,而且史皇还给俩人送上祝福。而贾达对此表示俩人交往时已经和史皇分居。

贾达还告诉People,某年夏天传出她和史皇离婚,于是Chris Rock立刻打电话来想跟自己约会:“他给我打电话,就说‘我很想约你出来,你和威尔不是要离婚了吗?’我说‘没有,Chris,那些都是谣言。'他很震惊,然后诚恳地跟我道了歉,事情就是这样。”


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Almost two years after the slap heard 'round the world,  Jada Pinkett Smith is speaking out about both the incident and her marriage to Will Smith.

While promoting her new book "Worthy," which hits shelves on October 17, Pinkett Smith sat  down with People to reveal something huge about the viral Oscars moment where Will Smith slapped  presenter Chris Rock after Rock made a joke about Pinkett Smith's shaved head.

Pinkett  Smith lives with alopecia and chooses to keep her head shaved as a result.

Needless to say,  a "G.I.

Jane" joke made by Rock didn't go over well.

Smith famously followed up the  slap by telling Rock, quote, "Keep my wife's name out your f---ing mouth."  Accord to Pinkett Smith, she simply assumed the situation was a planned bit ...

and was  just as shocked as anybody to discover that Smith actually slapped Rock in earnest.

She told People,  "I thought, 'This is a skit.

I was like, 'There's no way that Will hit him.' It  wasn't until Will started to walk back to his chair that I even realized it wasn't a skit."  The moment was definitely shocking, and it led to huge consequences for Smith — so  it's an added surprise to hear that Pinkett Smith was apparently baffled by it too.

She  also revealed that the first thing she asked Smith following the ceremony was simply, "Are you okay?"  That moment when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock back in March 2022 was incredibly confusing at  first — in fact, several feeds of the ceremony went completely blank as networks panicked.

But when the dust settled, all hell really broke loose.

Shortly after slapping Rock,  Smith got up on the stage to accept his award for best actor for his role in "King Richard,"  a film about Venus and Serena Williams' father Richard Williams.

The anointed winner then gave  an extraordinarily tearful speech and received a standing ovation.

However,  Smith started facing major consequences almost immediately.

"When I open my eyes I didn't realize, I was like 'Why is everyone so quiet?' Like,  I literally was not present for that whole entire moment."  Not only was there reportedly an argument over whether or not to kick Smith out of  the ceremony on the spot, but Smith also resigned from the Academy (he'd been a  member since 2001) and was eventually banned from the ceremony for ten full  years.

In response, Smith released a simple, brief statement that said,  "I accept and respect the Academy's decision."  Smith's next movie, "Emancipation," barely made a splash when it came out in 2022, and a sequel to  his Netflix original movie "Bright" was canceled.

Smith may have walked away from the ceremony with  a statuette for best actor, but the effect this slap had on his career still feels irreversible.

Rock, meanwhile, took some time to comment on the slap but ultimately addressed  the incident in a Netflix stand-up special titled "Selective Outrage."  "People are like, 'Did it hurt?' It still hurts! I've got 'Summertime' ringing in my ears."  Jada Pinkett Smith had one last bombshell to drop in her People interview.

Even  though Will Smith implored Chris Rock to keep his "wife's" name out of his mouth,  the couple has actually been separated since 2016.

Pinkett Smith told People  after revealing that the two were long separated at the 2022 Oscars,  "We're still figuring it out.

We've been doing some really heavy-duty work together.

We just  got deep love for each other and we are going to figure out what that looks like for us."  With that said, she also clarified that she and Smith are there for one another  as much as they can be.

Regarding the slap and its ramifications, Pinkett Smith said,  "I'm going to be by his side but also allow him to have to figure this out for himself."  Pinkett Smith's memoir, which might give people even more insight into  her marriage and the infamous slap, comes out on October 17.


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