萝卜刀(radish knife/carrot knife)是一款由塑料3D打印制成的仿刀玩具,因其外形酷似胡萝卜,并且是借助自身重力实现刀体滑动,所以也叫“重力刀”(gravity knife)。
The carrot knife is a fun, plastic toy that can be retracted and folded, designed in the shape of a carrot. It has quickly captured the attention of youngsters nationwide in just under a month. Many online retailers claim to have sold 100,000 of these toys every month.
The toy was the creation of a college student who dabbled in 3D printing. It was initially just one of his many works. But somehow, it struck a chord on the popular video-sharing platform Douyin. Videos featuring playful stabbings and throat-slitting gestures with the toy fascinated children.
The toy has sparked a division in public opinion. Authorities have voiced concerns about the toy's potential association with violent behavior, while many internet users are questioning the reasons behind the controversy.
Despite its chubby appearance and the use of soft plastic for the blade, the carrot knife faithfully replicates the design of a spring-action knife, which falls under controlled commodities in China. These knives are frequently concealed and can be swiftly deployed to inflict severe injuries during street altercations.
The carrot knife has become infamous for its unique style of play – characterized by a swift, one-handed unsheathing motion, typically followed by playful jabs or stabs. Almost all the related videos on social media have prominently showcased scenes of simulated stabbing and playful throat-slitting with this toy.
Manufacturers of the toy have turned to advertising slogans such as "poke fun at those you don't like" or "click, click, witness my playful pokes". Some have gone as far as printing similar messages on the toy's packaging.
The issue doesn't revolve around any immediate harm caused by the carrot knife but, rather, the associations it may create with actual violence in the minds of minors.
Many parents have recently received notifications from schools, expressing concerns about the potential risks associated with the carrot knife and its influence on children's behavior towards violence. Schools are strongly encouraging parents not to buy these toys, and if they have already been purchased, to ensure they are not brought onto school premises.
The carrot knife controversy serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between imaginative playthings and responsible safety. While it's important to encourage children to enjoy themselves, we must also remain vigilant about the potential underlying messages that toys may inadvertently convey.
小小南瓜 大大营养
味如板栗 入口绵密
低脂健康 老少皆宜
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来源: qq