

AI Revolution in Finance: 
Innovations, Insights, and Impacts
Join distinguished business experts, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs at the 29th TCFA Annual Conference, diving into AI's revolutionary influence, global investment shifts, economic outlook, tidal tech trends, and the rising silver economy. This hybrid event blends focal issues and pivotal discussions. Register now to explore.
Time and Location:

Virtual Conference (zoom and live broadcast):

11/11/2023 Saturday 7pm-10:30pm EST

11/12/2023 Sunday 8am- 11:30am Beijing Time

In-person Conference:

11/12/2023 Sunday 9am - 4:10pm EST


Fordham University Law School 

150 W 62nd ST. New York


Saturday Virtual Conference: Free

Sunday In-person Conference: Early bird price $70 ends on Oct 31, 2023. Regular price $100 since Nov 1, 2023. Lunch box and coffee included.

Registration link:

Agenda and Speakers

Virtual Conference

11/11/2023 Saturday EST 7pm-10:30pm

From AI 1.0 to AI 2.0 (7:10pm - 7:45pm):
Dr. Kai-Fu Lee
Chairman and CEO,
Sinovation Ventures President,
Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute

Asia Economic Outlook (7:45pm - 8:30pm):
Shang-Jin Wei
N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese
Business and Economy, Columbia University
Jianguang Shen
VP and Chief Economist of

Haibin Zhu
Chief China Economist and Head of
Greater China Economic Research, JP Morgan

Investment in Global Technology (8:30pm - 9:15pm):
Yafu Guo
Founder, TJ Capital Management
Zhenhai Hou
Founder, Hanwuji Macro & Strategy Consulting Co. 
Fang Zheng
Robin Hu
CEO, Broad Resources Investment Management

Shape Technology Together (9.15pm - 9.45pm):
Matt Dalio
Founder at Endless

Opportunities in the Silver Economy (9:45pm - 10:30pm):
Yunlai Zhu
Visiting Professor of Management Practice, Tsinghua University;
Former President and CEO of CICC

Bingwen Zheng
Professor at the School of Government Management,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Deyun Cao
Executive Chairman of the
China Insurance Asset Management Association

Jason Wei
Associate Chair, Tsinghua Institute
for FinTech Research;
Director, China Insurance and Pension Research

In-person Conference

11/12/2023 (Sunday EST)

Integrating Principles of Traditional Finance with the AI-driven Future (9:40am - 10:30am):
Ross Garon
Global Head of Quantitative Strategies
and Member of the Firm’s Senior Management team,
Millennium Management

Global Economic Outlook (10:30am - 11:15am):
Steven Englander
Global Head of G10 FX Research
and North America Macro Strategy,
Standard Chartered

Tao Wang
Head of China Economic Research, UBS

Jeremy Schwartz
Senior US Economist, Nomura

Global Investment Outlook (11:15am - 12:30pm):

Eugene Xu
Managing Partner, GardenStar Group
Jerry Wang
CEO, Hi2 Global
Jiayi Chen
Partner, Trutino Capital Management
Ingrid Yin
Co-Founder, Managing Partner,
and Portfolio Manager
at MayTech Global Investments

Navigate A High Interest Rate Environment (1:30pm - 2:20pm):
Atsi Sheth
Head of Credit Strategy and Research,
Moody’s Investor Service 
Muting Ren
PM, Head of Systematic Credit
Maggie Wang
Global Head of Structured Products Research,
David Wang

Wealth Management and Market Opportunities (2:20pm - 3:00pm):
Regis Dale
Senior Advisor, Bin Yuan Capital
Danye Wang
Managing Partner, UniGlobe Capital
Hongtao (Henry) Shi
Chairman and CEO, Prestige Wealth Inc.

Xiaowu (Victor) He
Chairman and CEO, Scienjoy

Yuling Ma
Chief Technology Officer, FreeWheel

New Economy in the AI Era (3:00pm - 3:40pm):
Guiling (Grace) Wang
Distinguished Professor
and Associate Dean for Research, NJIT
Xingchu Liu
Chief Commercial Analytics Officer, Pfizer
Victor Qui
CEO, Mercurity Fintech Holding Inc. 
Sean Da
CEO and Founder,
Kami Vision Inc. and AMC Corporation

Yao Tong
Managing Partner, Aves Lair

Time and Location:

Virtual Conference:

11/11/2023 Saturday EST 7pm-10:30pm

11/12/2023 Sunday Beijing Time 8am-11:30am

In-person Conference:

11/12/2023 Sunday EST 9am-4:10pm


Fordham University Law School 

150 W 62nd ST. New York


Saturday Virtual Conference: Free

Sunday In-person Conference: Early bird price $70 ends on Oct 31, 2023. Regular price $100 since Nov 1, 2023. Lunch box and coffee included.

Registration link:

TCFA proudly co-host the event with Fordham University Gabelli School of Business 

Thanks for our sponsors:

Chunhui Children's Foundation


Broad Resources Investment Management

Pacific Securities


About TCFA
Twenty-nine years ago, TCFA was founded as a non-profit organization comprised of professionals, policymakers, and scholars in finance and related fields who have a strong interest in China’s financial and economic development. Today, headquartered in New York City, TCFA has over 9,000 members globally with chapters in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Charlotte, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Toronto, Vancouver, London, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 
Please visit our website for further details including conference agenda, speaker biographies, and job fair information. We want to express our sincere gratitude towards our long-term sponsors, advisers, board, executive team, and volunteers who have helped to make our events possible. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
TCFA Management Team



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