Hacking, Hugging, and Healing | AGM 2022, Keynotes & Election

Hacking, Hugging, and Healing | AGM 2022, Keynotes & Election

Hacking, Hugging, and Healing | MIT Club of Shanghai AGM 2022 with Keynote Speeches & Annual Board Election
麻省理工学院 SH AGM真情分享及2022第十届董事会选举

The MIT Club of Shanghai hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on August 28th, 2022, the third AGM post COVID, with alumni participating from Shanghai, and around the world, both in person and online.
活动主讲嘉宾王明旭博士是世界知名眼科医生,慈善家和社会活动家。他的传记“从黑暗到光明”已在美国被拍成电影“明”。王博士分享了他的个人历程 – 从中国的一个贫穷家庭,到田纳西纳什维尔最知名的人物之一,还获得了哈佛和麻省理工两个博士学位。他鼓励我们努力追寻自己道路,同时弥合中美之间的不理解和矛盾。
Our keynote speaker was Dr. Ming Wang who is a world-class cataract and LASIK eye surgeon, philanthropist, and community activist. His autobiography, From Darkness to Sight, has inspired an upcoming movie called “Sight.” He shared intriguing stories about his inspirational journey – from a poor family in China to one of the most decorated figures in Nashville, TN, picking up two PHDs from Harvard and MIT along the way. He encourages us to follow his path and to work to bridge the gap between China and the US.
在王明旭博士精彩分享后,校友会回顾了过去一年的校友会活动,审议并通过了两项校友会章程修改。第一项修改将校友会成员资格范围延展至博士后和访问学者,第二项增加了Board Advisor的职位。两项修改均以超过2/3多数通过。校友们还选举出了新一任的10位董事会成员(成员信息见文末)。让我们祝贺并热烈欢迎董事会的新成员们。
After fantastic presentations, we reviewed activities hosted by the board during the past year, as well as proposed and approved two amendments to our club’s constitution. The first amendment is to expand club’s membership to postdocs and visiting fellows, while the second creates a Board Advisor position that can act on behalf of the board. Both amendments were supported by more than 2/3 of alumni. We conducted board elections and elected 10 new board members (profiles listed at the end of this article). We welcome and congratulate our incoming Board members.
  1. 我认为麻省理工座右铭“手脑并用”不够,必须手脑心并用!
  2. 鼓励咱们MIT校友要有改变世界的雄心,百折不挠的定力,包容万千的内心!
  3. 勉励校友董事会继续多搞活动,少搞事情,求同存异
  4. 我坚信的3H - Hack: “黑客”/解决世界真正的问题;Hug: 拥抱/包容这个世界;Heal: 治愈/改善我们的世界
Serving President Jay Dong thank all alumni and volunteers around the world!He has also shared a view words of wisdom:
  1. Minds & hands, plus HEART
  2. Change the world, stay resilient, be inclusive
  3. Organize gatherings, not complaints
  4. Believe in 3H: Hack, Hug, Heal
同时,对卸任的五位董事会成员:我们衷心感谢他们!感谢蒋洪波 (副主席) , 田岳衢(秘书长),求培培,张婕在过去一年对校友活动的大力支持和贡献,特别感谢董增军(主席),过去六年,对校友会的付出及贡献。感谢选举委员会志愿者董增军,LingLing,蒋子博和李丹。感谢AGM组委会董增军,张弛,张杨悦, 田岳衢。感谢欧美同学会上海留学生之家提供场地设施。
At the same time, we extend our deep gratitude to Jennifer Jiang (VP), YC Tian (Secretary), Peipei Qiu, and Jie Zhang for their contributions during last year. We want to thank Jay Dong especially for his outstanding service in the past six years on the Board. Appreciations also go to Election/voting Taskforce volunteers: Jay Dong, Ling Ling, Zibo Jiang, and Dan, as well as AGM Preparation taskforce volunteers: Jay Dong, Steven Zhang, Yangyue Zhang, YC Tian. Many thanks to SORSA for providing this fabulous venue.
感谢广大校友们的信任和支持。我们会传承和发展MIT上海校友会的良好传统,服务好广大的校友。让我们在这个不确定性日益增加的全球环境中,拿出定力、智慧、胸怀和远见。希望MIT校友会可以成为五湖四海校友间的坚实纽带、和全球朋友们间的友谊桥梁。One World One MIT!
A few words from the new President Shawn Shen:
I would like to thank all alumni for their trust and support. The new Board will continue and further develop the great tradition of the Shanghai Club to serve the MIT alumni community.  Especially in a world of increasing uncertainty, let's make ballast our composure, wisdom, compassion, and vision.  I hope MIT Shanghai Club can not only be a solid bond among alumni over the world but a medium of friendship for friends and family as well. One World, One MIT!
The 10th Board
of MIT Club of Shanghai

Introduction of 10th Board Member of MIT Alumni Club of Shanghai

President (主席)
  • Shawn Shen 沈晓, Course 2 2008
Vice President (副主席)
  • Steven Zhang 张弛, MSMS ‘16
Treasurer (司库)
  • *Jeffrey Yang 杨求宏, EMBA 17
Secretary (秘书长)
  • *Jessie Jiang 蒋斯捷, MFin 2022
General Board members (董事)
  • *Charles Du 杜桥,MIT 6/15 '02,MEng Media Lab, INSEAD MBA
  • *Fred YuYang Liu 刘雨阳 PhD in Physics '19, Research Fellow in MSE '21
  • *Peter Yu 俞冠廷 MIT 6 PhD 2018
  • Bill Zhang 张弘, MBA 2017
  • Yangyue Zhang 张杨悦, Course 1 2011
  • Bill Zheng 郑天意, MFin 2020
*NEW Board Members

Profiles of 10th Board Member of MIT Alumni Club of Shanghai

Shawn Shen 沈晓, Course 2 2008
Shawn Shen currently leads the Fidelity's VC/PE investment in TMT space in Greater China, with a focus on AI, Autonomous Driving, Enterprise Tech and SaaS, etc. Before that, he worked at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) with a focus on Technology and M&A. Shawn serves on multiple boards of both public and private companies. (Shawn enjoy sailing and mojito or even better sailing with mojito in hand).

Steven Zhang 张弛, Sloan MSMS ‘16
VP of Advanced Technologies at Langsheng Investments, prior experiences include: Investment Banking, PE Investments, CVC, and Entrepreneurship.
An active member of MIT Shanghai Club Board, and a sports fan.
朗盛投资集团副总裁,负责先进科技赛道。曾就职于投行,PE, 战投与创业公司。上海MIT俱乐部活跃分子,爱好各类体育运动。

Jeffrey Yang 杨求宏, EMBA 17
Jeffrey is currently the VP Finance & IT, Amcor China, Shanghai. Before that he was Director, Finance, M&A – Amcor Asia Pacific, Singapore, and CFO – Global Win Capital Corporation, North America in LA, Regional Finance Controller, Americas – Tetra Pak, Dallas Texas.
Amcor plc is a UK-domiciled and US listed packaging company. It develops and produces flexible packaging, rigid containers, specialty cartons, closures and services for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical-device, home and personal-care products. Annual revenue USD’14B with 50,000+ coworkers around the global.
Jeffrey received his MBA, from MIT Sloan School of Management, and his Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering, Donghua University. Jeffrey loves ski that conquers the mountains world wide.
杨求宏, Sloan EMBA 2017. 多年跨国公司财务总监和IT副总裁。滑雪爱好者,在全球多个滑雪场留下足迹!

Jessie Jiang 蒋斯捷, MFin 2022
Jessie Jiang is a recent graduate of MIT Sloan with a Master of Finance in Corporate Finance concentration. She attained her bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a dual degree in Economics from Brandeis University. She is currently working on the QFII trading desk in Equity Department at China International Capital Corporation (CICC). Jessie had been practicing Chinese Folk Dance for 10 conservative years starting at age 7, and was certified as the National Secondary Athlete. Now, she enjoys reading biographies, practicing bikram yoga, and exploring new spots to eat.
Jessie Jiang 毕业于麻省理工学院斯隆商学院,并获得了金融专业硕士学位。本科毕业于布兰迪斯大学,并获得了理论数学和经济学双学士学位。目前,就职于CICC中金公司股票业务部,负责QFII业务。Jessie从7岁开始练习中国民族舞并持续了十年,并被中国体育总局认证为国家二级运动员。她喜欢阅读传记、练习高温瑜伽和探索新的饮食场所。

Charles Du 杜桥,MIT 6/15 '02,MEng Media Lab, INSEAD MBA
CEO and founder of Meldd Consensus, Charles was previously Comm Director of Accenture's Search and Collaboration Global Practice, having served large client implementations across US, Europe, and Asia. Meldd is a SG headquartered startup founded on the realization that a new paradigm of Contribution dialog on blockchain backed topic clusters could facilitate massively scalable consensus much more efficiently than traditional sharing based systems, while also enabling global consensus on existential issues like Great Power Conflict and Global Warming.
Charles is also a Toastmaster, published author, ballroom dancer, 3D print designer, rabbit trainer, and jiu jitsu fighter.
杜桥也是一个演讲者、作家、国标舞者、3D 打印设计师、兔子训练师和柔术格斗武士。

Fred YuYang Liu 刘雨阳 PhD in Physics '19, Research Fellow in MSE '21
Fred YuYang Liu strayed from his academic training in physics, math, and materials science onto industry, and became the founder and CEO of DeepVerse, which is a ‘problem-oriented’ materials informatics startup situated at the convergence of cutting-edge technologies (machine learning, computational physics, and lab automation) to propel innovation in materials.
Fred loves blue water sailing, and is a certified RYA skipper. He enjoys riding the high waves with friends and team members around the world.

Peter Yu 俞冠廷 MIT 6 PhD 2018
Designing robots to improve people's lives has always been Peter’s career goal. Peter is currently the CTO and a cofounder of XYZ Robotics. Their mission is to free human hands from boring and dangerous jobs.
He received M.S. in Computer Science from National Taiwan University, in 2012, and Ph.D. in EECS from MIT, in 2018. In his Ph.D., he studied physical contact (e.g. pushing objects) to help robots understand the physical world.
He enjoys boxing, hiking, and scuba diving in his leisure time.

Bill Zhang 张弘, MBA ’17
Bill Zhang, graduated in 2017 from MIT Sloan with an MBA degree, prior work experience includes investment banking in New York and private equity investment in Shanghai. Bill is currently working with a team of devoted MIT alumni on a startup adventure. Bill enjoys trying out new ideas, he is an avid aviator with a private pilot license.
张弘,2017年MIT Sloan商学院MBA毕业,曾经在纽约从事投资银行工作,在上海从事私募股权投资工作,目前正在与一群来自MIT志同道合的同伴们奋斗在创业路上。(他喜欢尝试各种天马行空的想法,是一位持有私人飞行执照的遨游者。)

Yangyue Zhang 张杨悦, Course 1 2011
Yangyue Zhang, achieved her master's degree in Environmental Engineering from MIT in the year of 2011. Before that she graduated from Tsinghua University with a bachelor's degree in engineering and a dual degree in economics. She has worked in consulting and several tech companies incl. JD and Meituan during her past 10 years' career. Currently she is Operation Director in Trustbridge, a PE firm, focusing on prop-tech, corporate service, healthcare and children education. She used to be a half-marathon runner. But now she switched to cycling and meanwhile a fan for body-combat. She is learning to play drums for 2 years and studying psychology for 1 year so far. Keeping learning new skills at each stage, she hopes to make more friends with the same passion for life.

Bill Zheng 郑天意, MFin 2020
After Bill graduated from Sloan’s Master of Finance (MFin) program, he spent time working with Bain & Co, a consultancy in Shanghai. Bill is currently working on his web3 projects. Outside of work, he enjoys reading history, hosting his podcast, supporting New England Patriots and spending quality time with his family.
郑天意在MIT Sloan商学院金融硕士项目毕业后回到了上海,并在贝恩咨询公司工作了一段时间。他目前正在web3世界中创业探索。在工作之外,他喜欢阅读历史,做播客,看新英格兰的橄榄球队,并陪伴家人。


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