据现代快报消息,美国当地时间11月17日,无偿向中国捐赠二战相册的美国典当店老板埃文 · 凯尔(Evan Kail)在其个人网站上更新了二战相册电子存档的完整版,以及一篇长达5000多字的英文文章《穿越风暴》(Through The Storm),记录了自己这一年多以来的心路历程。
I ended up in the hospital in the past year, and Chinese journalists and netizens were contacting me daily to make sure I was okay. It was a very curious thing, but it helped me recover almost as fast as the medical care I received.
I find myself staring at that letter when feeling down and it reminds me I weathered a storm for good reason. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do anything differently.
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来源: qq