法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》2023年第1期目录+摘要

法律翻译 | 《哥大商法评论》2023年第1期目录+摘要


译者 | 薛紫涵 清华大学LL.B.

一审 | 刘汉青 北京师范大学法硕

二审 | 邓雅元 复旦大学法本

编辑 | 王妮茜 新疆农业大学本科

         仲飞宇 西安外国语大学本科

责编 | 扎恩哈尔·阿黑哈提 新疆农业大学本科

Columbia Business Law Review

Volume 2023, Number 1




Corporate Liability, 

Collateral Consequences, 

and Capital Structure


Nathan Atkinson

Financial penalties imposed on malfeasant corporations can produce “collateral consequences,” or unintended negative impacts on employees, customers, and society more broadly. I show that the vast majority of government bodies that assess organizational penalties have adopted policies to reduce corporate liability where collateral consequences might otherwise result. Moreover, I demonstrate that officials do reduce penalties in line with these policies, undermining deterrence and compensation of harmed parties. However, evidence from reductions given to publicly-traded firms suggests that officials are often wrong in their assessment of firms’ financial health, thereby awarding reductions to healthy firms where collateral consequences are unlikely to occur. I discuss how officials should approach imposing penalties when they are concerned about prospective collateral consequences.





Mythical Unicorns and 

How to Find Them: 

The Disclosure Revolution




Anat Alon-Beck

John Livingstone


Our federal and state securities laws are centered around two vital requirements for economic growth: capital formation and investor protection. Section 12(g) sits in the middle of these two concepts by attempting to ensure the latter without jeopardizing the former. However, since the passage of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (“JOBS”) Act in 2012, exempt capital formation in the unregulated private market has increased dramatically. At the same time, new ways of investing in these spaces have been opened for retail investors. The result has been the exposure of an increasing amount of the public’s capital to riskier investments in a sphere where information is unavailable in the best of times and deliberately hidden in the worst.


For founders of large private tech companies and their sophisticated investors, this structure remains advantageous. They are capable of raising large sums of capital, something normally only done by public companies, while avoiding the costs associated with our disclosure regime. They care little about the corporate governance responsibilities of running large companies and protect their interests above that of the company as a whole. Minority investors, primarily employees and, in increasing numbers, retail investors, are left in the dark without an ability to diversify and mitigate risk.


This Article gives recommendations on reforms to Section 12(g) in order to bring more companies into the public reporting sphere without jeopardizing the capital formation process.





Rethinking Community Reinvestment


Benjamin Della Rocca


Policymakers have struggled for decades to boost lowincome credit access, which is vital for combatting socioeconomic inequality. In 1977, Congress hoped the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) would fix the problem. The CRA compels banks to lend near their branches - in low and high-income neighborhoods alike. Still, millions of creditworthy borrowers can’t find affordable loans. What’s the solution?



The CRA, this Article argues, should push large banks to support community banks and other small lenders, including through capital provision, joint ventures, technical assistance, or subsidies. Why? While big banks make nearly all CRA loans, small, community-based lenders reach marginalized groups far more effectively. Economic data indicate this so-called “small-lender effect.” But so far, lawyers haven’t gotten the memo.


Ample legal scholarship has discussed the CRA - often focusing on whether it is “efficient”, in the law-and-economics sense. This Article makes two interventions in these debates, which are each necessary and together sufficient to compel its prescriptions. First, drawing on past economics scholarship and original empirical work, it demonstrates small lenders’ greater ability to underwrite low-income borrowers. Second, it shows that community lenders are stymied, themselves, by separate market failures that keep them from filling the gaps left by big banks. Enlisting large banks to support community lenders would therefore expand credit access and fulfill the CRA’s goals. Even better, it would do so efficiently. This Article’s prescriptions, finally, explain how to refit the CRA for this purpose.





Money and the Public Debt: 

Treasury Market Liquidity 

as a Legal Phenomenon




Lev Menand

Joshua Younger


The market for U.S. government debt (Treasuries) forms the bedrock of the global financial system. The ability of investors to sell Treasuries quickly, cheaply, and at scale has led to an assumption, in many places enshrined in law, that Treasuries are nearly equivalent to cash. Yet in recent years Treasury market liquidity has evaporated on several occasions and, in 2020, the market’s near collapse led to the most aggressive central bank intervention in history.


This Article pieces together what went wrong and offers a new account of the relationship between money issue and debt issue as mechanisms of public finance. It argues that a high degree of convertibility between Treasuries and cash generally requires intermediaries that can augment the money supply, absorbing sales by expanding their balance sheets on both sides. The historical depth of the Treasury market was in large part the result of a concerted effort by policymakers to nurture and support such balance sheet capacity at a collection of nonbank broker-dealers. In 2008, the ability of these intermediaries to augment the money supply became impaired as investors lost confidence in their money-like liabilities (known as repos). Subsequent changes to market structure pushed substantial Treasury dealing further beyond the bank regulatory perimeter, leaving public finance increasingly dependent on high-frequency traders and hedge funds—“shadow dealers.” The near money issued by these intermediaries proved highly unstable in 2020. Policy makers are now focused on reforming Treasury market structure so that Treasuries remain the world’s most liquid asset class. Successful reform likely requires a legal framework that, among other things, supports elastic intermediation capacity through balance sheets that can expand and contract as needed to meet market needs.





Taking Innovation Seriously: 

A Dynamic Competition Model 

for Antitrust Law




William H. Rooney

Colin Lee

Amanda M. Payne

Although innovation is often portrayed as a byproduct of competition, innovation and related dynamic aspects of competition are also, and perhaps more so, drivers of competition. The current antitrust framework, as illustrated by merger law and the agency guidelines that bear on that law, emphasizes static, demand-side conditions in defining markets and assessing likely anticompetitive effects. Only after the market has been defined and competitive effects assessed are innovation and dynamic, supply-side developments considered, and then in the context of rebutting anticompetitive findings already made on the basis of the static assessment. In addition, the burden of demonstrating and quantifying the supply-side developments is placed on the merging parties despite their relatively limited access to competitor capabilities, strategies, and plans. The following article suggests a new framework that places the burden of addressing dynamic considerations primarily on the enforcement agencies that must be met before the agencies can establish a presumption of illegality against a proposed transaction or a prime facie case against a competitive practice. It also suggests a more qualitative assessment of innovation and likely supply responses that is elaborated in the accompanying article by Professor David J. Teece.

尽管创新通常被视为竞争的副产品,创新和竞争的相关动态方面也是、并且也许更多地体现为竞争的驱动因素。如合并法和与合并法相关的机构准则所示,目前的反垄断框架在界定市场和评估可能的反竞争影响时,更加注重静态的需求方条件。只有在界定市场并评估竞争效果之后,或者在反驳根据静态评估做出的反竞争结论时,才会考虑创新和供给端的动态发展。此外,尽管合并的参与各方对竞争对手的能力、战略和计划的了解相对有限,证明和量化供给端发展的责任却落在了他们身上。下文提出了一个新框架,将解决动态考量的责任主要放在执法机构身上,执法机构必须满足这些条件,才能推定拟议中的交易不合法,或对竞争行为提出主要证据确凿的指控。本文还建议对创新和供给端可能作出的反应进行更加定性的评估,David J. Teece教授在随附的文章中对此进行了详细阐述。




The Dynamic Competition Paradigm: 

Insights and Implications



David J. Teece


Dynamic innovation-driven competition is what strong competition policy should favor; yet it is the weaker static efficiency driven competition which animates current competition economics and enforcement action. The shortcomings of the static efficiency approach have resulted in backward looking antitrust actions that underappreciate certain forms of potential competition resulting in errors with respect to the assessment of monopoly power, M&A activity, and complex contracts. This paper exposes the weaknesses of static analysis and calls for a forward-looking capabilitiesbased determination of competitive effects. The proposed framework requires deeper analyses of (supply side) capabilities, both technological and organizational, present and future. It endorses a long-term consumer welfare standard and calls for a multidisciplinary approach that draws on complexity economics, technology management, organizational behavior, and information and computer science. The administrability of the dynamic competition framework will be at hand once the foundation of dynamic competition are more fully embellished and better understood by both economists and lawyers.





Are We Not Taking Innovation Seriously? A Discussion of the 2022 Howard Taft Lecture

我们是否没有认真对待创新?关于2022 年Howard Taft讲座的讨论


Tasneem Chipty


A growing body of research papers, speeches, and litigation challenges focused on innovation competition suggests that antitrust practitioners are taking innovation seriously. This paper provides an overview of the innovation debate, with a commentary on a proposed policy framework to promote competition in high-technology or big-technology industries described by Professor David Teece in his 2022 Taft Lecture. Experts agree that conduct involving harm to innovation competition and mergers that focus on an overlap of future products that do not currently exist cannot easily be understood, if at all, with traditional analyses of historical prices, output, and margins for existing products. The hard part is figuring out what to do instead. Recent cases that focus on harm to innovation competition highlight the need to understand business capabilities and the frontier of new technology in the pled markets. Recent decisions demonstrate that courts are not necessarily swayed by structural presumptions involving large firms in highly concentrated markets as measured by today’s output; instead, courts understand that large dominant firms can be competitive, because of their desire to maintain their lead position. These cases also provide guidance on how to prove (or disprove) a theory of harm involving potential competition.

越来越多研究文章、演讲和诉讼挑战聚焦于创新竞争,这表明反垄断从业者正在认真对待创新。本文提供了一个对创新相关争论的概览,并对David Teece教授在 2022年Taft讲座中提出的促进高科技或大科技行业竞争的政策框架进行了评论。专家们一致认为,对涉及损害创新竞争的行为和以目前尚不存在的未来产品的重叠为重点的兼并,即使能够通过对现有产品的历史价格、产量和利润率进行传统分析,也不容易理解。困难之处在于如何取而代之。近期一些关注损害创新竞争的案例表明,了解业务能力和前沿新技术是十分必要的。最近的判决表明,法院不一定会被结构性假定所左右,这些假定涉及的是在高度集中市场中以当前产量衡量的大公司;相反,法院认为在市场中占据主导地位的大公司也可能具有竞争性,因为它们希望能保持其领先地位。这些案例还为如何证明(或反驳)潜在竞争损害的相关理论提供了指导。




Regulating Democratized Finance: 

Cryptocurrency, Retail Broker-Dealers and the SEC’s Regulatory Perimeter




Eric Rolston


The SEC has long been faced with the difficult task of regulating financial market innovations, and the rise of fintech has increased the complexities faced by the agency. As fintech entities grew in popularity among retail investors and moved financial markets closer to what some call “democratized finance,” calls for new regulations grew louder. After years of hesitancy, investigation and regulatory uncertainty, the SEC has been increasingly responsive to these calls.


This Note reviews and conceptualizes the SEC’s approach to regulating new developments in financial market access since the agency’s founding in the 1930s. This Note begins with a review of prior SEC approaches to regulation through either enforcement or the promulgation of new regulations, and then reviews how the agency has used these approaches when regulating two prominent fintech segments: online retail-broker dealers and cryptocurrency entities. Lastly, the Note proposes two frameworks to conceptualize historical and contemporary regulatory approaches by the agency. Ultimately, by reviewing prior instances of regulation, contemporary issues and frameworks, this Note aims to give greater clarity to how the SEC has and will continue to regulate financial market innovations, in particular as it relates to “democratized” financial markets.





An Empirical Analysis of SEC Rule 

6C-11’s Impact on the Usage of 

Heartbeat Trades 

by Exchange-Traded Funds





Maddie White


In September 2019, the SEC promulgated Rule 6c-11 to standardize the operation of all exchange-traded funds. Importantly, this rule provided all ETFs with the ability to issue “custom baskets,” which are baskets of stocks that are not composed of a pro rata representation of a fund’s holdings. Such baskets are important because they give ETFs additional flexibility to lower their tax liability by using custom baskets to remove stocks that would incur the highest capital gains from their portfolios. This Note analyzes how expanded custom basket access impacts ETFs use of a certain type of tax-evading trade known as a “heartbeat” trade. It finds that there has been a substantial increase in such trades since the Rule went into effect and that the increase was much larger among funds who were only able to use custom baskets after Rule 6c-11.





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