楼主 (文学城)
卢浮宫一日游路线加三餐安排,及巴黎拾零 早饭去塞纳河边上的Merci Jérôme Pont-Neuf吃甜点,孩子们心心念的eclair, 3.2, monsieur 5.5, 就是火腿奶酪烤面包,羊角面包才1.3, 午饭在Mollien吃, 还可以照到金字塔,鸡肉,三文鱼,火腿三明治7.5, 沙拉8.5,和点心6,红酒一起套餐16。很喜欢那个圆的甜点, Café de l'Empire, 吃鸭腿16,生的三文鱼salmon tartar 14, 咖喱鸡配小米饭14,牛排14,蜗牛9,酒7,鸭腿真好吃,有种香酥鸭的感觉,腌的有味道,再煎。 LOUVRE, Café Mollien best view, reasonable price for food, first floor of the Denon , 注意事项: 1, wear comfortable shoes and bring a bottle of water. 2, rent audio tour, highlight map at the main hall, 自己事先做好功课,想看自己最想看的那些作品,列出20-30个。 这是我自己的list,仅供参考: Sully, louvre medieval (L-1, R133, 135), Ancient Egypt (grand sphinx, L0, R338), L0, R348-Gods and heroes of the ancient Greek world): Greek/Roman (Hermaphrodite: Discovered at Santa Maria dellaVittoria, Rome, Bernini sculpted the mattress); Diane de Versailles; boy holding goose, L1, R635: statue of a scribe seated cross-legged; L1, R605, The Four Seasons, L2, R912: The Cheating Ace of Diamonds; L2, Room 940: The Turkish bath; The bather; Venus de Milo: Floor 0, Sully Wing, R345-Greek Art, intersection of the Denon and the Sully) Winged Victory (L1, southern Denon Wing, R703-Samothracelanding) ->. R706, Venus and the Three Graces painting of French: L1, R700, red room: the liberty leading the people / the raft of the Medusa L1, R701, The Young Martyr; R702: coronation of napoleon; Oath of the Horatii; Grande Odalisque; The Death of Marat; regent Diamond Room 705, French crown jewels room Italy painting, L1, Room 710, 达芬奇的好几个作品, 4 master works of Da Vincis-La Belle Ferronniere; virgin of the rocks; the virgin and child with st Anna; Saint Jean Baptiste; Death of the Virgin, L1, R 711, Mona Lisa; Wedding Feast at Cana,; The Entombment of Christ L0, R403, michelangelo gallery, sculpture courts (dying slave, rebel slave, Cupid and Psyche half-recumbent, Le Pape UrbainVIII) Napolean's Apartments. (northern Richelieu wing's 1st floor, R544) -> The Lacemaker, L2, R837, Northern European Paintings, Code of Hammurabi, L0, R 227, The Winged Bulls : L0, R 229, Cour Marly / Chevaux de Marly, L-1, R102 YouTube上有央视的,世界名画13 卢浮宫的收藏,
巴黎museum pass, 四天的卡,18岁以上,70欧元,18岁以下,免费,我们去了10个地方,当然还有提前预约好时间。安排行程就像一个游戏,还挺挑战的,因为我们赶上了每月第一个周日的免费开放,这就意味着人太多,我们只好避开,周一周二都有几个地方关闭休整,然后按照地理位置,我最想看的程度,四天排一下。卢浮宫和凡尔赛我们都提前两个月各约了两天,就是为了怕到后来行程有变化。好在巴黎预约额外没有费用。
Guimet 集美亚洲艺术博物馆,房顶上有铁塔view
Merci Jérôme Pont-Neuf,太好吃了,娃超喜欢Eclair
Café de l'Empire
香煎鸭腿,有国内油酥鸭子的感觉,里面腌的入味,皮又酥脆,蜗牛和salmon tartar都是孩子们点的,他们都学过好几年法语,更懂得法餐
娃点的steak tartar,生牛肉,听上去,挺恶心,其实挺好吃的,没有生肉味,一般只有最好的肉才可以生吃。
网红葡萄牙海鲜店Pedra Alta,要排队进来。
卢浮宫一日游路线加三餐安排,及巴黎拾零 介绍一个罗马的画家tour,who killed Caravaggio,及其他 复制西安腊牛肉 - corned beef 中式做法 老北京过年特色- 酥皮点心 烟熏排骨,鸡腿,鸡翅