

楼主 (文学城)

How to Describe a Smile in Different Ways :

How to Describe a Beautiful, Happy Smile

affectionate - a smile that shows the love a person feels for someone or something

approving - a smile that indicates a person is in favor of something

beaming - the kind of smile that seems to radiate happiness

bright - an energetic smile that shows intelligence

brilliant - a very high-energy, happy smile

broad - a wide smile that shows great happiness

charming - a smile that shows the person is trying to make a good impression

cheerful - an energetic and happy smile

compassionate - a smile that shows empathy

dazzling - a beautiful smile that has an almost stunning effect on others

encouraging - a smile that shows support for another

enthusiastic - an excited and up-for-anything smile

friendly - a smile that shows openness and kindness

gentle - a tender, unthreatening smile

genuine - a real smile, free from pretenses

infectious - a smile that makes other people smile too

innocent - a guilt-free smile

irresistible - a smile that draws other people

placid - a peaceful and happy smile

playful - a smile with a glint of mischief and fun

pleased - a smile of satisfaction

radiant - the kind of smile that seems to glow

reassuring - a smile that comforts someone who is uncertain or afraid

sweet - a simple, purely happy smile

soft - the kind of smile that shows quiet affection or appreciation

sunny - a bright and happy smile

tender - a smile that indicates sensitivity and kindness

warm - the kind of smile that makes other people happy

welcoming - an inviting and open smile

winsome - a smile that is childlike and charming

How to Describe a Complicated Smile

cold - a smile that shows no kindness or empathy

condescending - a smile that indicates a person is looking down on someone

cruel - a smile that indicates evil motives

dazed - a smile that shows the person is confused and possibly dizzy

devilish - a smile with mischief and sometimes evil intent

dry - the kind of smile that doesn’t include warmth or excitement

enigmatic - a mysterious smile

evil - a smile that shows nothing good or kind

feeble - a very weak smile

fixed - the kind of smile that doesn’t move and therefore appears artificial

forced - a smile that is purposeful and often fake

furtive - a smile that indicates suspicious motives

grave - a very serious smile

grim - the type of smile that indicates nothing good is happening

haughty - a smile showing hubris or arrogance

helpless - a smile that is weak

ingratiating - the type of smile that shows someone is trying to curry favor with others

insolent - a disrespectful type of smile

ironic - the kind of smile that shows someone sees the irony in a situation

malicious - an evil smile that shows bad intent

malignant - a smile that indicates a dangerous disposition

meek - a smile that shows a lack of confidence

melancholy - a sad smile

mocking - the type of smile that makes fun of someone or accompanies some type of bullying

mournful - a smile that include a tinge of grief

mysterious - the type of smile that indicates there are things unsaid

oily - a supercilious, insincere smile

reluctant - the kind of smile that doesn’t come easily

rueful - a smile that shows remorse or regret

sarcastic - a smile that indicates something negative under the surface

sardonic - a smile that mocks in a negative way

scornful - the type of smile that shows deep dislike

shy - a smile that is hesitant and self-conscious

slight - a very subtle smile

smug - a smile that indicates self-satisfaction

sober - the kind of smile that is not playful or excited

strained - a tense smile

strange - the type of smile that shows something else is going on

stony - a smile that is cold and resistant

thin - a tight-lipped smile

timid - a hesitant and fearful smile

tremulous - a smile that is uncertain and wobbly, perhaps after tears

triumphant - a smile that shows self-satisfaction without arrogance

ugly - a smile that indicates evil or negative emotions beneath the surface

vague - the type of smile that shows someone is disengaged

weak - a smile that is very slight

weird - the type of smile that indicates some strong negative emotions

wicked - an evil smile

wistful - the kind of smile that indicates a sadness or nostalgic feeling

wry - a witty smile, sometimes scornful


More Words to Describe a Smile

amused - a smile showing something is funny

crooked - the type of smile showing crooked teeth or an awkward emotional state

knowing - a smile that shows the person understands something

mischievous - a playful and fun smile

quiet - a smile that communicates without words

quick - an easy smile that seems effortless

rusty - a smile that seems awkward from disuse

sudden - the kind of smile that happens without warning

vacant - a smile that shows someone’s mind is elsewhere

How to Describe Lips in a Smile :

chapped - lips that are dry and peeling

cracked - lips that have cracked from dryness or damage

moist - lips that have been licked

plump - lips with a full shape, often belonging to a woman or child

thin - lips with a flat, constricted shape

tight - lips that are tense and hiding emotion

Source - Your Dictionary 

2 楼
3 楼
这是waterfowl 的总结!
4 楼
Great collection of English smiles
5 楼
6 楼
7 楼
I have 2 smiles - wry and crooked.
8 楼
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10 楼
Evil smile 应该就是奸笑了
11 楼
Did u include a grinning shark & cackle hyena?
12 楼
Ha,first hearing of them, just now.
13 楼
Wow, what a list!谢谢,学习了!再加一个,a disarming smile让人放下戒备心温暖的笑:)
14 楼
When I see a disarming smile, I hold on to my wallet. : )
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