纠结, 选择题: replace or repair front bumper for Lexus ES350
楼主 (文学城)
a dent in the front bumper, estimate from two body shops, one replace OEM Lexus part costs $1148, another repair costs $1209. 请教大家怎么选? 谢谢!
a dent in the front bumper, estimate from two body shops, one replace OEM Lexus part costs $1148, another repair costs $1209. 请教大家怎么选? 谢谢!
家有坦克手修车不用愁,兼谈Bodyshop是如何赚钱滴 - 5W40发表于 爱车一族 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)
车身划痕修复实践 - 5W40发表于 爱车一族 - 论坛 | 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)
要完全修好的话只能换OEM重新喷漆,最便宜最好的是去junk yard 找个同色同型的