APAD:It is nice finding that place where you can just go and
I take MYSJ as a place where I can just go and relax,making a post not for publication, not for making money, not for fame, but just to relax~
It is so casual, because I just want to relax
In this small space, we know each other's habits, characters and communication skills.
Welcome to APAD!
I copy and paste the initial post here
a proverb a day: Cheapest is the dearest 来源: 移花接木 于 2023-03-01 05:27:30 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 阅读数 : 4496 (674 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 本文内容已被 [ 移花接木 ] 在 2023-03-01 09:53:50 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除. 活动参与者: 妖妖灵 , 移花接木 , 7grizzly , jianchi9090 , 仁可how about a long term game, a proverb a day? no obligation, no pressure, one miniute to make one, a few seconds to read one. Only the first post counts, if you see someone already posted one, hold on to next day; No problem if duplicated, coz we all forget, need to refresh, except 梅雨潭最强大脑不用refresh.
Cheapest is the dearest (=most expencive). said to mean that: Cheap things cause you to spend more money because they break easily and you have to replace ("Dear" in this sense is another word for "expensive.")