APAD: If you can’t live longer, live deeper.
“If you can’t live longer, live deeper.”
- Italian proverb
“The proverb is used to emphasize that pursuing a purposeful and fulfilling life is more valuable than simply living a long time."
"Also, as none of us can predict how long we will live, which is why it is so important to live each day with intention and purpose.”
“You make your life deeper when you infuse it with meaning — a heavy hitter in the world of well-being — involving connections to others, doing what you do best, getting in touch with something bigger than yourself, belonging, helping, giving. All great things.”
I agree with above explanations. But the word "meaningful" might mean different things to different people. To me, it has nothing to do with material things, but non-material stuff, including humour in everyday life, like those have been said:
“Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?” — Robin Williams
“In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.” — Fran Lebowitz
“Whoever said that money can’t buy happiness, simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” ― Bo Derek
“It is useless to try to hold a person to anything he says while he’s madly in love, drunk, or running for office.” — Shirley MacLaine
“Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” ― Isaac Asimov
Hope this APAD and the funny phrases will make you feel wiser and deeper today.