Sand's rolling on your body, warm

Sand's rolling on your body, warm


Sand's rolling on your body, warm

Sand's rolling on your body, warm
Dark clouds' pressing the sky, firm
On this deserted beach
we are sharing one ripe peach
Flowing and burning between our lips its juice
So much heat and sweet
we pray for rain to dilute
Heeding our wish comes the thunder storm
Raindrops race to cool our lips in swarm


This poem evokes a sensory experience at a deserted beach during a storm. The opening lines, "Sand's rolling on your body, warm / Dark clouds pressing the sky, firm," create a vivid image of the setting. The contrast between the warmth of the sand and the firmness of the dark clouds sets the stage for the subsequent events.

The second stanza introduces a sense of intimacy and shared experience: "On this deserted beach / we are sharing one ripe peach." This line suggests a connection or bond between two individuals in a tranquil and isolated environment. The act of sharing the peach implies a sense of togetherness and the sharing of something pleasurable.

The following line, "Flowing and burning between our lips its juice," adds a sensual element to the poem. It describes the experience of tasting the peach's juice, emphasizing its heat and sweetness. The imagery suggests a passionate and intense encounter between the two individuals.

The line "So much heat and sweet / we pray for rain to dilute" suggests that the intensity of the moment, both in terms of physical sensations and emotions, is almost overwhelming. The desire for rain to dilute the heat implies a need for relief, a respite from the heightened sensations.

The concluding lines, "Heeding our wish comes the thunderstorm / Raindrops race to cool our lips in swarm," bring about a shift in the weather. The thunderstorm represents the fulfillment of the characters' wish for relief. The raindrops racing to cool their lips symbolize the desired release from the intensity they previously experienced.

Overall, this poem captures a brief, passionate encounter between two people on a deserted beach. It explores themes of sensuality, shared experience, and the desire for release from overwhelming sensations. The vivid imagery and evocative language enhance the sensory experience, immersing the reader in the atmosphere of the scene.

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来源: 文学城-颤音
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