送歌给赫本~祝贺二进宫!?Make believe its your first time~~ 哇,歌名好贴切~~哈~~
楼主 (文学城)
We've tried our handAt love before
We've been around the game enough
To know the score'
But then is then
And now is now
And now is all that matters anyhow Make believe it's your first time
Leave your sadness behind
Make believe it's your first time
And I'll make believe it's mine The door is closed
It's you and me
We'll take our time with love
The way it oughta be
This moment's ours
Tonight's the night
And if we fall in love
Well, that's alright Make believe it's your first time
Leave your sadness behind
Make believe it's your first time
And I'll make believe it's mine So close your eyes
And hold me close
And let our hearts pretend
That love is ours to share tonight
And it might never end Make believe it's your first time
Leave your sadness behind
Make believe it's your first time
And I'll make believe it's mine 我井喷了~~嘛哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~