参观国家森林公园之父 John Muir 的故居.
'Muir is often called the father of national parks and firest reservations, forerunners of National forests. Muir urged people to experience wild nature so they would be inspired to defend it and save it.'
他热爱大自然,曾在Yosemite 生活了五年,牧羊,伐木,向导. 他走过著名的1000 miles, 从 Kentucky 到 Gulf of Mexico.
他42岁时,与一位果园农场主的女儿 Louisa 结婚,婚后做了几年果农.
John Muir National Historic Site is one of over 400 parks in the national Park System.
John Muir 和总统 Theodore Roosevelt 在一起
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来源: 文学城-墨农