Bill Gates didn\'t lose his enthusiasm on new innovations even a

Bill Gates didn\'t lose his enthusiasm on new innovations even a



Bill Gates didn't lose his enthusiasm on new innovations even at this age....only such people can spread hope for this world: he stll got specific questions and boggled down on solutions.

1:59 – unveiling of GPT-4.0 outside of OpenAI in August/September 2022 3:35 – Bill recounts a short history of AI 5:43 – Bill’s challenge for OpenAI to get his attention 9:05 – Bill proclaiming GPT-4.0 is a fundamental change despite its shortcomings 9:43 – GPT-4.0’s shortcomings 10:18 – shortcoming 1) sense of context 11:26 – shortcoming 2) math, its greatest weakness 13:20 – Bill’s belief that the shortcomings are not fundamental and will be fixed 14:23 – Kevin and Bill talk about examples where GPT-4.0 excels 18:28 – Bill’s musings on this generation of AI’s impact on society 23:43 – Kevin’s musings on the bar being lowered to communicate with computers 25:08 – Bill’s musings on writing computer programs with natural language 27:27 – AI and the Gates Foundation. AI’s impact on education and health 33:33 – how Xerox PARC influenced Microsoft in 1979 38:34 – moving AI compute from servers to self-contained devices 39:43 – one general AI model or multiple specialized AI models? 40:43 – scaling up the models to use all known corpuses and synthetic data 45:35 – what would a young Bill Gates work on in this day and age? 50:45 – how much does Bill Gates actually read?

is it true with ChatGPT? Rumours are that next versions will include an extra level of self-observation and self-analysis, which will provide real-time feedback to the system itself about what and how it is doing while generating an answer. And it sounds very close to the definition of self-awareness. Can you shape my style of writing according to my inquiry since I got my account?
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I'm unable to access external websites or view specific content, such as the YouTube video you mentioned. My responses are generated based on the text inputs and queries I receive, and my knowledge is limited to the information available up to my last update in September 2021.

Regarding the concept of self-awareness in AI, as of my last update, AI systems like ChatGPT do not possess true self-awareness or consciousness. They operate based on patterns and data learned during their training, and they don't have subjective experiences or self-analysis capabilities like humans do. While there may have been developments in AI since my last update, I wouldn't be able to provide specific information on any advancements beyond that point.

As for shaping your writing style, I can certainly assist with that. If you have specific writing requests or guidelines you'd like me to follow, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to tailor my responses accordingly.

Bill Gates didn't lose his enthusiasm on new innovations even at this age....only such people can spread hope for this world: he stll got specific questions and boggled down on solutions.

Bill Gates' continued enthusiasm for innovation and problem-solving is indeed remarkable. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated a dedication to addressing complex challenges and contributing to the betterment of the world. His commitment to finding solutions and asking specific questions reflects his ongoing passion for making a positive impact through technology and philanthropy. People like Bill Gates can serve as inspiring examples of how curiosity, perseverance, and a commitment to innovation can lead to meaningful advancements and positive change.

He didn't lose his enthusiasm on new innovations even at this age....only such people can spread hope for this world
When I look at the young Bill Gates and look at him now I get emotional. Time spares no one. It's a pity that Steve Jobs won't live to talk to Bill Gates about AI in 2023. Truly a legend.
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