t allocate \'key decision making positions\' to people who lack

t allocate \'key decision making positions\' to people who lack


t allocate "key decision making positions", to people who lack competence, skills, expertise and experience to "recognise and manage talent" and practice authentic leadership.


One of the hallmark traits of great leaders is their ability to build great teams with the expertise to help the organization achieve its vision and, in the process, fulfill its purpose. These leaders have the wisdom to give their team the freedom to produce great work because it makes no sense to recruit the best and micromanage their work.

It's counterproductive; it will affect your team's morale and, in the process, create a dysfunctional workplace. When you have a great group of people who are passionate, inspired, and motivated to make a difference, give them the freedom to work and create an environment that allows them to become the very best version of themselves.

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Sharing as a bookmark to watch again. In 1987, the GDPs of China and India were almost the same and then something happened.
Shengwen Calvin Li, PhD,EIC,FRSB,FRSM


Ones a democracy, the others a communist dictatorship that uses slave labour to keep costs down so that western countries can sell their iphones and Nikes manufactured in labour camps at cheaper rates. China's progress and growth is an economy built on top of slave labour.
3 Replies on Rohan C.’s comment
Uyghurs are a small minority in China (11M) this meant that this selective discrimination although abhorrent did not affect economics significantly. That is not equivalent with the cast system and the Moslem minority in India both are significant fractions of the society that are marginalised and robbed of opportunities. I hope you can see that fact objectively if not than it explains the persistent situation..
I am not taking any sides here but as someone who spent 18 months in quarantines last 3 years traveling frequently to China, I did not see any slave labor. But I saw a huge number of locally-made robots. All these Nikes and iPhones are made by the robots now. And no corruption as everything is digital. There is virtually no cash.
But my point was that India has huge potential. Just needs to get competitive and get its act together.
China liberalised in 1978 whereas India did so in 1991 (at the precipitation of an IMF crisis). But differences do exist between corrupt democracies and controlling autocracies. China transformation is a marvel to be studied (& best practices adopted as well). Now, India is poised to have a spurt in constant growth projected over the next decade & further. Getting our act together, with a strong base for long term rapid GDP growth, with the right vision & reduced corruption we will also get into the 20-30 Trillions GDP in next 20-30 years.
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