plagiarism = 5 consecutive words identical to someone else\'s wr

plagiarism = 5 consecutive words identical to someone else\'s wr


tjkcb notes:

I heard such a notion from a ScienceNet post of syg: 

What is the 5 word rule?
My understanding is that the toughest standard regarding plagiarism is the "five (consecutive) word" rule, which holds that, if there are five or or more consecutive words identical to someone else's writing, then you are guilty of plagiarism.Apr 2, 2013

What exactly is the "five (consecutive) word" plagiarism rule?



Generally, a phrase that contains five or more consecutive words exactly as they appear in the source should appear in quotation marks (proper nouns and common language excluded) or be paraphrased. Remember: whether you are paraphrasing or quoting source information, always cite it. Try to limit direct quotations.Aug 10, 2020

Citing Responsibly, Avoiding Plagiarism: An NPS Refresher


Does paraphrasing really just mean switching some words around?
Paraphrase means to describe the ideas and words of another author in your own words. Your paraphrase must be sufficiently distinct from the original passage. Paraphrasing is not simply changing a word or two or rearranging the author's sentences (you might as well use the original passage in quotation marks).Oct 24, 2023


When paraphrasing how many words in a row can be the same as in the original?
Copy no more than 3-4 words in a row (except for technical terms that can't be paraphrased. Make sure you have copied no more than 20% of the original language). Remember, in a paraphrase, you've got to change the structure of the original and as many of the words as possible.Sep 8, 2023
What is the golden rule of paraphrasing?
The golden rule of paraphrasing is that you must fully understand the source information before attempting to re-write it. Once you fully comprehend the subject in hand, you'll be able to confidently summarise and convey the message in your paraphrasing.
Is changing a few words enough to count as paraphrasing?
To correctly paraphrase, you must completely re-word the passage or content using your own words. Changing a few words here and there isn't enough to paraphrase and may instead be plagiarism, even if it's unintentional. Make sure to also include an in-text citation whenever you paraphrase.
How do you not plagiarize when paraphrasing?
What strategies can I use to paraphrase?
  1. Use synonyms for all words that are not generic. ...
  2. Change the structure of the sentence.[
  3. Changing the grammatical structure.
  4. Change the voice from active to passive and vice versa.
  5. Change clauses to phrases and vice versa.
  6. Change parts of speech.
  7. Use a Different Word Form. ...
  8. Change from the Active to the Passive. ...
  9. Change the word order. ...
  10. Use a combination of techniques.
What are 6 methods to effectively paraphrase a text?
6 Easy Steps to Paraphrasing in English
  • Step 1: Separate the information. ...
  • Step 2: Highlight content words. ...
  • Step 3: Create new content words. ...
  • Step 4: Complete the new sentence. ...
  • Step 5: Review. ...
  • Step 6: Record yourself. ...







Avoiding Plagiarism - Paraphrasing - Academic Integrity at MIT

What are three types of unacceptable paraphrasing?
Changing only a few words or the structure of a sentence is considered unacceptable paraphrasing. Use author's name when paraphrasing (e.g., According to Missy Elliott,…). Explain to a classmate in your own words the meaning of the text you want to paraphrase. Write paraphrase without looking at original text.Jul 17, 2023
What is considered inadequate paraphrasing?
Improper paraphrasing is a very common form of plagiarism. This occurs when one lifts a direct phrase from another work and changes just a few words - and then claims the work as wholly their own. Learning how to properly paraphrase is a very important component of good writing.Mar 22, 2022

Proper vs. Improper Paraphrasing - How to Avoid Plagiarism




Does Turnitin catch paraphrasing?
Turnitin may struggle to detect paraphrasing due to the quality of content, length of passage, and plagiarism settings within the software. To avoid detection, students should use acceptable text sources, create longer passages, use different synonyms, reorder sentences, and consider using sophisticated AI writers.Mar 3, 2023
Search for: Does Turnitin catch paraphrasing?  
What is one of the cardinal rules for paraphrasing?
General Rules for Paraphrasing Do:  Make sure you understand the meaning and intent of the original. Use your own words and sentence structures. Use roughly the same number of words as the original.
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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