请教一下:1st grade孩子,学习red words,总是记不住,脑子是不是有问题?
楼主 (北美华人网)
1st grade孩子,学习red words,总是记不住拼写。每天练习,每天问,到最后还是记不住! 老师上课教了,每天放学回家家长也让她练习了,天天练习,大概每天练习半个小时到40分钟。 可是一问还是拼错了,请教一下会不会是ADHD?还是正常的孩子也这样?或者是智商有问题,要不要带去看看? Red Words are irregular words that do not follow a particular pattern. Red Words can also be high-frequency words that students must learn before the specific concept has been taught. For 1st grade: they are "both, saw, under, were, does, done, people, friend" and so on.
Many children with ADHD have trouble with their working memory — the ability to keep information in mind so it''s available for use. Some also have a hard time with retrieval, the process of reclaiming information that has been stored away.
Many children with ADHD have trouble with their working memory — the ability to keep information in mind so it''s available for use. Some also have a hard time with retrieval, the process of reclaiming information that has been stored away.