A letter to my grandson

A letter to my grandson


Hi Anthony, Thank you for reading this article. You are an adult now, and you should learn about society, human nature, and important human thoughts, to avoid getting caught up in that: "beautiful, right, loud ," rousing slogans that we all experienced when we were young. Otherwise it will go wrong.
Now, we are not going to believe that "the world has to be at a great Same level", "everyone is equal (it is necessary to give everyone an equal opportunity, but the result is impossible to be equal)" the reason is self-evident.You can find out Why.
You're in college now, and I know that the leftist ideology is very strong in American colleges and universities, just like in the 1930's, Edgar Snow, a young American man with an idealistic mind went to China and listened to Mao Zedong's bullshit in his forties, and this young American man with an idealistic mind was talked to in a way that he didn't realize what was happening to him until the 1960's when Mao asked him to go up to Tiananmen Square and watch the people chanting "Long live Chairman Mao". --- that time  he awoke from his dream.  It was too late!

please learn more, keep forward my grandson ,




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来源: 文学城-圣塔露西亚
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