《机会与诱惑》英文版《The Chance and the Temptation》出版发行

《机会与诱惑》英文版《The Chance and the Temptation》出版发行



内容简介:This book narrates stories of the people and events encountered by an Uber driver in Los Angeles. 

Through this driver's contacts and conversations with various people, this book reveals aspects of the nightlife in the City of Angels, revealing unknown lives in a presentation of human nature at multiple times and places, and at the same time, integrates the author's comparison and analysis of cultural differences between China and the United States. The book has various characters, including teenagers, adults, ordinary citizens, homeless people, and prostitutes. They have incredible stories, significant confrontations, and thought-provoking displays of human nature. 

Different individuals in each chapter bring out unique stories. These are described and narrated in detail to envision various forms of friendship, morality, and sexual relations. The author does not expose the dark side of life from the perspective of curiosity, nor has he worn tinted glasses to judge absurdity. It explores the diversity of human nature, desire, and the inevitability of their existence by presenting various forms of living and lifestyles. 


In addition to the brighter side, there are always obscure and eccentric people and things in a city. This phenomenon is especially true of Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, with beauty and ugliness, opportunities, and temptations.

This book narrates stories of the people and events encountered by an Uber driver in Los Angeles.
Through this driver's contacts and conversations with various people, this book reveals aspects of the nightlife in the City of Angels, revealing unknown lives in a presentation of human nature at multiple times and places, and at the same time, integrates the author'scomparison and analysis of cultural differences between China and the United States.

The book has various characters, includingteenagers, adults, ordinary citizens, homeless people, and prostitutes. They have incredible stories, significant confrontations, and thought-provoking displays of human nature.

Different individuals in each chapter bring out unique stories. These are described and narrated indetail to envision various forms of friendship, morality, and sexual relations.

The author does not expose the dark side of lifefrom the perspective of curiosity, nor has he worn tinted glasses to judge absurdity. It explores the diversity of human nature, desire, and the inevitability of their existence by presenting various forms of living and lifestyles.

There is always ignorance and evil in society in an era of highly civilized science and technology. Life is full of opportunities, which are bound to be accompanied by temptation.
It is real life.


The world was full of surprises, and surprises came from the unknown. The unknown was both opportunity and temptation. The opportunity brought hope, and temptation led into the abyss.

Uber was an opportunity accompanied by temptation.

When talking about the electronics industry, the recession in the United States began quietly after the end of the Cold War.

The rise of high-tech industries, new materials, and new technologies has pushed the traditional electronic sector to a cliff. While creating new opportunities, the world had eliminated many conventional enterprises and talents. Large-scale integrated chips and computing technologies had undermined the circuit principles and modes of thinking that these people were familiar with. Many worthless circles, squares, horizontal lines, and vertical lines were left.

Hundreds of millions of spare parts were stacked on the shelves as a pile of useless waste that was a pity to discard.

The traditional electronics industry grew for decades and needed help to eliminate its growth cycle.

Any common industry would succumb to the laws of the jungle and eventually die out. However, people expected this day to come later.

Although I was about to retire, many projects still needed……

 作者简介:杨超,长居美国洛杉矶。北美中文作家协会会员。喜爱中、英文阅读、写作。主要作品有 散文集:《我认识的美国人》《好莱坞纪实》(中国新疆美术摄影出版社)儿童小说:《巴顿和他的朋友》(中国新疆美术摄影出版社)单篇作品:《烧高香》《炮仗花》《爷爷的米汤》《戈壁•石•风》《美国官司趣谈》《寻 • 古 • 香》《天上凉都》《梨苹果》等。散见于国内、外主要华文报章杂志:《北京文学》《中学生阅读》《世界华人作家》《侨报》《世界日报》。

《The Chance and the Temptation》在巴诺书店上发行 

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《The Chance and the Temptation》在Books-A-Million上发行

《The Chance and the Temptation》也随着亚马逊在全球发行




“圆作者一个梦想,助作者美国出书”是美国南方出版社Dixie W Publishing Corporation,的出版宗旨。美国南方出版社2006年在美国Alabama州注册成立,多年来为诸多作者出版图书,销售不断攀升,是美国出版界的后起之秀,现正逐渐为各界熟悉。

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来源: 文学城-思念青荷
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