Challenge (pikleball), 4/26/2024

Challenge (pikleball), 4/26/2024


court#4: level 3.75

Court #5:  level 3.5

court#6: level casual

court#3:  level 4.0

court#2: strong 4.0  and above

Court #1: challenge (professional sometimes)


This morning, I felt a litter bored playing at court 4, 5 and 6.


Not knowing anybody at court#1, 2 and 3, I went to #2. Interesting enough they knew my name so one guy demanded to play with me. Obviously,  he was a strong 4.0+, so I was a little nervous since I never played with him before. 


During the game, I made a few mistakes on the left (dominate side) so he asked me to “slid”, a word I did’t quite understand. After I saw him rushed to my side I realized that he was asking me to change side for him to dominate. Too late, we lost a point. He was pretty upset then. 


We finally lost the game,  8 to 11. 


He looked upset and I was feeling a little embarrassed. Then he said since we lost we had to play on court #3. Being polite, he accompanied me to court #3 and paired with me again. He warned me at the beginning that we need to win or we have to go back to court#4, a lower level—3.75. 


He made me feel like taking an exam. So intimidating is this man. Fortunately we won, 12 to 10. 


Then he left to play on court#2 and court#1. I stayed on court 3. 


I won 2 more games on court #3 and I quit for today.


Will continue to play at 3 and 2, because I like challenge. i like to play with people whom I could lose because I want to learn and improve.

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来源: 文学城-Oona
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