2023 Best Economics Schools

2023 Best Economics Schools



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Ranked in 2022, part of Best Social Sciences and Humanities Schools

With a graduate degree in economics, students may find jobs as analysts and economists in the government, multinational corporations, higher education and business organizations. These are the top graduate schools for economics programs.


Harvard University

Cambridge, MA

#1 in Economics (tie)



Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA

#1 in Economics (tie



Stanford University

Stanford, CA

#1 in Economics (tie)



Princeton University

Princeton , NJ

#4 in Economics (tie)



University of California--Berkeley

Berkeley, CA

#4 in Economics (tie)



University of Chicago

Chicago, IL

#4 in Economics (tie)



Yale University

New Haven, CT

#4 in Economics (tie)



Northwestern University

Evanston, IL

#8 in Economics



Columbia University

New York, NY

#9 in Economics (tie)



University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA

#9 in Economics (tie)



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