AACO College Panel: From High School to College

AACO College Panel: From High School to College



• Dylan Lee, 哥伦比亚大学2023届
• Katherine Xiao, 约翰霍普金斯大学2026届,2021年俄州亚太联盟公众事务实习生
• Brian Zhou, 普林斯顿大学2026届

Asian American Coalition of Ohio (AACO) Columbus Youth Chapter successfully hosted several college students to share their experience about transition from high school to college on January 2, 2023. Here is the summary.

Thank you to all the panelists, AACO Youth, and attendees for participating in the AACO 2023 College Panel Seminar. Our wonderful panelists, Dylan Lee, Katherine Xiao, and Brian Zhou shared helpful advice in guiding middle and high school students through the college admissions process. A few key takeaways from the event:

- Life is a marathon, not a sprint. College doesn't define everything. Your personality, social life, and skills obtained in life are far more valuable than extracurricular you may have done for college admissions- Be yourself. Admissions officers can tell if you do an activity/extracurricular specifically for the college application process. Do what you like most and show a personality

- Consider more than one factor when choosing a school. You will be there for four years, so important factors such as weather, size, convenience, food, etc all matter when choosing a college. Don't just look for prestige when looking for university

- Be well rounded. Colleges don't just look for ones with the highest GPA or the top musical performer. Doing well in all aspects and engaging with your community shows much more of a personality and character

Although these were just some of the advice mentioned by our panelists, we have recorded the entire presentation and uploaded it to YouTube in the foolwing link.

Please click the Read More (阅读原文)button at the left bottom to access the video directly. Once again, thanks to everyone and best of luck!




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