One month of torture, yipee

One month of torture, yipee


IT'S OVER!!!! FINALLYY! AFTER PAIN AND SUFFERING AND DEVASTATION!! In case you are wondering what the actual heck I am talking about, let me enlighten you.

CM tests are a yearly undertaking of piano students nationwide. You must submit three pieces of piano, recited from memory, take a grueling theoretical piano test (what inversion is this triad..blah...blah...blah), and do a paralyzingly terrifying sight reading test.

I have just completed my months worth of torture to complete this test. You are probably thinking, Oh Emily, it isn't THAT bad. You are just exaggerating! ESQUEEZE ME??? YOU have NO IDEA what you are TALKING ABOUT!

It just thundered and lightinged outside, but back to the actual topic, CM is excruciatingly, painstakingly, hard. Anyone who thinks otherwise is absolutely wrong. I do not mean to be mean in any way here, I am just expressing my opinion of the child labor and torture they call CM. BLEGH. Again ending with a period.....

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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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