Episode Number I lost count a long time ago

Episode Number I lost count a long time ago


Why henlo my friends, it is I, the Emily.

I have come to you with a theory, no wait, not a theory (or a hypothesis, thank you science class), a LAW.

My law is, 6th Grade Sucks and forever will suck. We don't even get lockers! No lockers! We have to tug and pull heavy backpacks full of nonsense around with us all day, for our backpacks are endless black holes of homework. It is exhausting! Remember, a law cannot be changed. Sixth grade will forever suck no matter what anyone tries to do about it. 

Anyways, enough about torture and destruction and hell, a lot of time has passed, so a quick recap.

We have been to Alaska, Tenesee, and I got a new doll (Yaass). At school, they installed a new swing set, and I have flag duty this week. Flag duty is where me, and a few other people, go outside with the four flags to raise them up the flagpole! There is one for air quality (today it was green), there is an advertisement one, there is the California flag with the derpy bear on it, and the American flag. We cannot and I repeat CANNOT let the American, or Californian flag touch the ground.

Anyways, I still remember to add a period to the end of a blog as my mom told me, so . And just to be sure, I will add a few more. .......




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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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