如果只能拿一个,当然是保住federal grant。 今天仔细地看了过程,我事先申请的federal grant,然后用同样的proposal申请了一 个小基金会的一笔小钱,这个基金会并没有任何选项问这个proposal有没有投给别的地 方。所以希望问题不大。 我一个朋友对我说,As a new investigator, you are allowed to apply to multiple agencies using the same proposal. Unfortunately, they usually do not let you keep both, and if both are funded, you have to pick one. 不知道 这个信息准确不? 现在倒是希望这个基金会不要给我钱,我明天再投一个稍加变化的re-submission。
最好也和federal agency联系一下,看看他们的policy.至少nih,是不允许接受两个 awards. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/researchfunding/grant/strategy/pages/7 Under Just the Facts above, we noted that you may send an application for the same research to NIH and another organization outside the U.S. Public Health Service simultaneously, although you will be able to accept only one award.