Buzz: Genomics startup Halcyon Molecular tanks
Buzz: Genomics startup Halcyon Molecular tanks# Biology - 生物学
【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
发信人: kittyhello (HelloKitty), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Junior Risk Operation Analyst Position Open
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 21 13:23:21 2010, 美东)
Contract to full time position. Working in one of the largest investment
bank in Midtown New York.
Support risk manager for daily risk reporting, reconciliation and data
control. Know basic financial knowledge and excel, VB, with basic database
SQL will be a plus.
Fresh master graduate is welcome. Sponsor H1-B.
NY, NJ, CT, PA local candidate only.
Send resume to f**************[email protected] asap.
What is the future of the next-generation sequencing? More importantly, what
kind of jobs can it
create for Biologist? and how many?
"Many groups rushed into the next-generation sequencing game over the past
decade, so it's unsurprising to see news about some thinning of the genomics
herd. Halcyon Molecular has shut down after other groups leapt ahead in
bringing to market new technologies for decoding DNA quickly and
inexpensively, GigaOm reported, citing unnamed sources."
"...and Bio-IT World notes that Harvard genomics standout George Church
served as an adviser"
"Drop us a comment below with any additional information on the status of
Halcyon or other sequencing startups that might have hit a funding wall.
There are likely others. We're not naming names at this point, but at least
a couple have gone eerily quiet in recent year."


【在 k********o 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
: 发信人: kittyhello (HelloKitty), 信区: NewJersey
: 标 题: Junior Risk Operation Analyst Position Open
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 21 13:23:21 2010, 美东)
: Contract to full time position. Working in one of the largest investment
: bank in Midtown New York.
: Support risk manager for daily risk reporting, reconciliation and data
: control. Know basic financial knowledge and excel, VB, with basic database
: SQL will be a plus.
: Fresh master graduate is welcome. Sponsor H1-B.

两年前听过这些公司学校的报告,当时就觉得用electron microscope或mass spec来做
sequencing就是过家家。不过NIH就要给这些“innovative" projects钱。现在大部分
single-molecule sequencing公司都半死不活的。
A few comments on the NGS impact in the future:
1. The sequencing cost is dramatically decreasing, outpacing the Moore's law
prediction. Exome sequencing as part of patient profile will take off very
soon, and whole genome sequencing will not be far away. The cross-referenced
data will be highly valuable to healthcare industry players (insurance,
pharma, EMRs, etc), and in the long run the cost of data will be much higher
than that of sequencing.
2. So far the market is highly fragmented, with a focus on research world (
academic and Pharma/biotech). But evetually the clinical market will be a
much larger pie.
3. There will be a demand for bioinformaticians, but probably most positions
are for curators instead of hard-core computational biologists. Many of
such positions can be outsourced to India and China to lower the cost.
4. With accumulation of tetrabytes of genomic data, there will be a strong
demand for hard-core computer scientists to get involved in this field. Data
compression for storage saving, quick data access, transfer, retrieval,
structured levels of security, etc.
5. There will be a short-term strong demand from industry for clinical
geneticists and statisticians, primarily as advisors and researchers for the
cloud-based online diagnostic tool development. But in the long run, after
the industry consolidates and after the regulatory pathway gets cleared for
these AI diagnostic tools, there will be a slash of the clinical geneticist
(even some physician) positions because of much improved efficiency (and
hopefully the accuracy and quality) in healthcare. Not sure about the time


【在 w****i 的大作中提到】
: What is the future of the next-generation sequencing? More importantly, what
: kind of jobs can it
: create for Biologist? and how many?
: quote:
: "Many groups rushed into the next-generation sequencing game over the past
: decade, so it's unsurprising to see news about some thinning of the genomics
: herd. Halcyon Molecular has shut down after other groups leapt ahead in
: bringing to market new technologies for decoding DNA quickly and
: inexpensively, GigaOm reported, citing unnamed sources."
