事情在10月26号又迎来了新变化,马斯克双手抱着一个洗漱槽(sink)走进了推特总部,并发了一条推文:Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in! 他还将自己的推特简介改为Chief Twit,暗示自己将成为推特老板(同时,twit还有“傻瓜,笨蛋”的意思)。
马斯克这条推文写得非常有意思,它应用了双关手法。从字面意思来看,let that sink in意思相当于“让那个洗漱槽进去”。但let that sink in本身也是一个英文短语,dictionary.com对此给出了这样的解释:
Let that sink in is an idiom used immediately after a statement to urge that it be properly considered so that it can be fully understood and appreciated…When someone uses the phrase, it typically indicates that they think the information they have just communicated is extremely surprising, interesting, or consequential.
let that sink in意思相当于“好好考虑这件事”,或者很多人更为熟悉的“你细品”。Sink in在英语中也是一个常见词组,意思是“(事实或想法)逐渐被完全理解,被充分意识到”,比如:He paused to allow his words to sink in. 他停了一下,好让人充分领会他的意思。
let that sink in这一说法本身也大有来头,它来自于圣经中的《路加福音》(the Gospel of Luke),原句为:Let these thoughts sink into your hearts. 后来逐渐演变为let that sink in这一短语。
实际上"let that sink in"也是英文世界中一个很流行的“梗”,当人们要表达“你细品”这一含义时,他们经常发一个被放在门口的洗漱槽表情包,并配上let that sink in这句话,比如这个例子:
马斯克此前也玩过这个“梗”,他在今年六月份曾经有这样的推文:I’m dressing as a sink on Halloween, as they will have no choice but to let me in.(我要在万圣节装扮成一个水槽,这样他们就不得不让我进去了)。
推文的笑点就在于let that sink in。马斯克10月26号的推特也可以看作是对之前这一推文的呼应。