这些十二月截止的征稿特辑适合你么?| 生物细胞 材料医药 神经心理 | Scientific Reports

这些十二月截止的征稿特辑适合你么?| 生物细胞 材料医药 神经心理 | Scientific Reports






Deep learning models in cognitive sciences


客座编辑:Ioannis Delis, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Shelli Kesler

Deep learning is understood as a form of machine learning which imitates how humans acquire knowledge. It first gained a lot of attention as it has enabled machines to approach and tackle cognitive tasks at which humans excel in a human-like fashion - including object recognition, speech processing, and cognitive planning. More recently, cognitive scientists have turned to deep learning models to study human cognition and its neural underpinnings.
This Collections welcomes research from the areas of Psychology, Neuroscience or other Cognitive Sciences, using deep learning approaches to study cognitive phenomena.

Scientific Reports


Technology for the use of mental health


客座编辑:Pietro Cipresso,Aroldo A. Dargél

Traditional mental health interventions such as face-to-face therapy can be difficult to access for a variety of reasons, but especially for people under financial pressure, with mobility issues or busy schedules. Over recent years, technology has opened up new and more accessible opportunities for mental health support and treatment. Devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers have provided novel ways for individuals to receive support and monitor progress. Various applications and platforms now enable individuals to track their moods, receive reminders to take medication, engage in healthy behaviours, as well as find and virtually interact with clinicians or therapists. 

This Collection explores new and innovative ways to use technology for the support and treatment of mental health. Furthermore, this Collection welcomes research based on data collected through mental health applications.

Scientific Reports



客座编辑:Claudia Folli,Nicholas Pullen,Peter Valentin Tomazic

he last decade has seen a rise in allergic diseases, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, and food allergies in industrialised countries. Factors, such as climate change, pollution and changes in lifestyle and dietary habits are thought to contribute to this notable rise in allergic cases. Allergic diseases represent a collection of disorders that are triggered by a heightened immunological reaction to an innocuous stimulus. The allergic response is broadly characterised by a type 2 immune response involving T helper 2 cells, type 2 innate lymphoid cells, mast cells, eosinophils and M2 macrophages. Allergies are complex disorders and the variability in clinical presentation for the same allergy type, across individuals, which is thought to be driven by complex gene-environmental interactions, remains a challenge in the management of allergies. The phenotypic heterogeneity of allergic diseases makes them particularly suited for precision medicine, and several biomarkers have recently been reported for certain allergies—asthma, allergic rhinitis and food allergies.
This Collection will bring together articles that elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning the allergic response, as well as research that presents new tools and biomarkers to diagnose and manage allergic diseases, and novel targeted treatments.

Scientific Reports


Orbital angular momentum (OAM)


客座编辑:Baifei Shen(上海师范大学),Yutaka Shikano,Xinxing Zhou(湖南师范大学)

Orbital angular momentum (OAM) light beams are defined as a type of structured light beams, which are light fields with tailored spatial structure. Often referred to as vortex beams, they have donut-shaped intensity profiles and twisted helical phase fronts which are dependent on the OAM order. Because of these unique characteristics, OAM light beams have captured the interest of scientists in the optics community over the last two decades and have given rise to a number of developments in different applications including astronomy, microscopy, imaging, metrology, sensing, and optical communications. While early experimental studies using OAM involved systems in which the OAM was used to set into rotation a microscopic object held in optical tweezers, currently, OAM plays a key role to facilitate the effective scaling of transmission capacity in optical communication systems.

This Collection presents original research in OAM that explores its fascinating properties as well as its uses in a number of timely applications.

Scientific Reports


Cardio-renal axis


客座编辑:Ilse Daehn,Eisei Noiri,Helmy M. Siragy

Patients with chronic kidney disease are well known to be at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Risk factors, such as diabetes and hypertension, are associated with both conditions and a spectrum of disorders in which dysfunction in one of these organs leads to dysfunction in the other is termed cardio-renal syndrome. Considering the increasing prevalence of these conditions and the complex nature of their treatment and management, further research exploring the relationship between these organs is crucial.
This Collection will present manuscripts that increase our understanding of the feedback between the heart and the kidney and that explore treatment and management strategies for associated pathologies.

Scientific Reports


RNA therapeutics

RNA 疗法

客座编辑:Alfredo Berzal-Herranz,Tracy Nissan,S. Patrick Walton

Ribonucleic acid (RNA)-based therapeutics have in recent years emerged as an attractive new technology that holds much promise for the development of a new class of drugs to combat disease. RNA drugs have opened up new avenues for treating diseases through their ability to induce protein coding, inhibit protein translation and their specificity of binding to target molecules. Strategies for RNA therapeutics involve the use of coding RNA, for example in vitro transcribed mRNA, as well as non-coding RNAs—antisense oligonucleotides, siRNAs, miRNAs and RNA aptamers. Various RNA therapeutics are currently under development and a few have been approved for clinical use, such as the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19. Whilst RNA therapeutics hold much potential as an intervention strategy, a major hurdle in their application to treat disease is the lack of suitable delivery systems. A key focus research area in developing RNA-based formulations is overcoming nuclease degradation, recognition by the immune system, and optimising their targeted delivery.

This Collection will collate articles investigating all aspects of RNA therapeutics, from development to delivery, including their mechanisms of action and clinical applications.

Scientific Reports


Face perception


客座编辑:Mario Dalmaso,Maria Ida Gobbini,Anna Pecchinenda,Paola Ricciardelli, Kay Ritchie

As social beings, other people’s faces are a major point of interest and a great source of information. Interpreting people’s facial expressions or following their gaze allows us to infer their emotional states, intentions and attention. In other words, faces are key stimuli of social interaction. Unsurprisingly, detecting, recognising, and interpreting faces are highly important skills from infancy through adulthood that help us survive in a social world, in which we often rely on interaction and cooperation. However, certain conditions, such as autism spectrum conditions, have been associated with impaired face perception, which might be an underlying cause for social difficulties.

This Collection welcomes work from various areas of psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience, studying the development and underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms of face perception as well as its role in social interaction and neurological or psychiatric conditions.

Scientific Reports


Social biases and discrimination


客座编辑:Angelo Brandelli Costa,Ilan Dar-Nimrod,Yukiori Goto

During everyday social interaction, people constantly make judgments about each other’s behaviour, intentions, and personality. The underlying cognitive processes of these judgments, however, are often unconscious and people are mostly unaware of why they arrive at certain judgments or conclusions. This makes judgments about other people prone to biases and sometimes encourages systematic attribution of negative traits to certain individuals or groups. Furthermore, social biases, such as racial or gender biases, can lead to discrimination or exclusion of individuals. Research included in this Collection will explore the psychological aspects giving rise to and helping maintain social biases and how these biases affect social interaction. Work from all areas of Psychology is welcomed.

Scientific Reports


Biofluid dynamics


客座编辑:Alison Marsden, David Murphy, Yi Sui, Choon Hwai Yap

Biofluid dynamics is the application of physics and engineering principles to the study of complex biological processes that involve fluid motion, both inside and outside an organism. From the movement of individual cells, the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system, to animal locomotion in the air or water, there are many biological scenarios that require a quantitative understanding of the mechanical processes surrounding the flow of fluids.
This Collections invites submissions on the latest applied research and methodological advances in the field of biofluid dynamics across the entirety of the natural world.

Scientific Reports




客座编辑:Isabel Marques, Sarah Schiessl, Wen-Chieh Tsai(台湾成功大学)

For angiosperms, flowering is the first step of sexual reproduction. Most angiosperms use environmental cues (such as photoperiod, temperature and water availability) to control the transition from vegetative growth to flowering. Flowering must occur not only at the right time, but also synchronously, to optimise outcrossing and take advantage of favourable external conditions for seed filling. Flowering time is also of great importance for agriculture, horticulture and plant breeding.


The goal of this Collection is to present the most recent developments in our understanding of flowering, including the transition to flowering, its regulation, and flowering diversity.

Scientific Reports


Magnetism and magnetic materials


客座编辑:Marijan Beg, Byoung Choi, Peter Fischer

Magnetism is a fascinating physical phenomenon that is not yet completely understood. The magnetic properties of matter continue to inspire scientific curiosity and imagination, and magnetic materials dominate applications in key technologies ranging from high-performance magnets in motors and generators for large scale power generation, energy storage, and transmission, to magnetic information technologies on the nanoscale, such as storage, logic, and sensor devices using the concept of spintronics. The fundamental aspect of magnetism is the spin of the electron, and the various couplings of neighboring electron spins in a material leads to the diversity of ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, and antiferromagnetic, as well as paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials. Competing interactions in a magnetic materials lead to microscopic spin arrangements that impact properties, behaviour, and functionality of magnetic materials. Magnetization itself can be controlled or modified by external magnetic and electric fields, and even light, which opens a path to develop future microelectronics devices that will be ultrasmall, ultrafast, and foremost low-power. Those achievements will have significant technological, economic, environmental and societal impact in the upcoming era of Internet-of-Things (IoT).

Scientific Reports


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