某同学21周岁了。在美国这是一个大生日。21岁比20岁重要。过了21岁,才可以饮酒。如果有商家卖酒给不到21岁的人,会被罚得很惨。美国大学生的一个大挣扎,是不足年龄买不到酒,酒吧要查驾照看年龄。为此很多大学生铤而走险,上网买假驾照。顺便说一句,我去Home Depot买油漆,自动结账时 也被卡住,要查驾照年龄。我问过来的收银小伙子怎么回事,他说有人闻油漆也能把自己给整High. 这真是防不胜防。
中美对于饮酒,态度非常不同。在中国,严重酗酒,造成健康和家庭问题的,也被非议,但是一般的社交性饮酒,或是自斟自饮,是没有人进行道德评判的。这可能都是托古代诗仙李白的福。人们甚至把饮酒作为刺激灵感的一种工具。估计也是言过其实 —— 我每次稍微喝多一点酒困得不行,一个字都写不出来。
上个世纪,美国甚至有过禁酒时期(Prohibition Era),结果酿造、贩卖私酒的黑帮兴起了很多,如著名的“疤脸”Al Capone. 相信大家从电影上都看到过。
为了不让小孩痴迷于酒精, 我给送了本中英文带拼音的圣经,让其被圣灵(Holy Spirits)而非酒精(Wine and Spirits)充满。
然后我想写首诗,结果想咱没斗酒,也没法诗百篇啊。于是就找ChatGPT. Chat GPT很快赋诗一首,如下,大家看看人工智能写得怎么样?总之比我写得好。我就是喝上一瓶桐城老酒,也整不出这么多词儿。
As you turn 21, a milestone so grand,
With open hearts, let the Spirit expand.
A new chapter in life, filled with hope and light,
Guided by the Holy Spirit, not worldly spirits,
You'll soar to new heights.
With each step you take, and each breath you draw,
May the Spirit be with you, to guide and to awe.
In moments of joy and moments of pain,
May the Spirit be your constant refrain.
As you journey through life, and the world you explore,
May the Spirit be your compass, and your heart it will adore.
With love, grace and wisdom, you'll make your way,
As you follow the Spirit, you'll grow day by day.
So raise a glass, and blow out the candle,
On this special day, may the Spirit handle.
All the blessings that come with age,
May you know the Spirit's love, on this new page.
Happy 21st birthday,
May the Spirit's presence be felt, always, as you have begun.