Most of the problems people seek help for concern anxiety over their careers, uncertainty about the future, and unhappiness in family relationships.
In March, a scientific briefing released by the World Health Organization showed that in the first year of the pandemic, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression rose by 25 percent, with common stress factors including social isolation, loneliness, fear of infection, suffering and death for oneself and among loved ones. Young people and women were the worst affected by these factors.
Another study, published on the Lancet in October, showed that the pandemic led to a sharp rise in depressive and anxiety disorders globally in 2020, with an additional 53.2 million and 76.2 million cases of anxiety and major depressive disorders respectively.
据王晓霆介绍,疫情期间产生这些焦虑和恐惧都是合理的。心理学上的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder)大致分为以下几个阶段。
首先为冲击期(shock phase),这个阶段人们首先会否认一切,觉得“这个事情为什么会发生在我身上”。接下来就进入到愤怒期(anger phase),愤怒期之后就会迅速进入到抑郁期(depression phase),会觉得灾难面前无能为力, 产生一种悲观、自责以及懊悔的心态。抑郁期过后才能够慢慢地进入到接纳现实和逐步恢复成长的过程。在疫情封控期间,大多数来寻求咨询的人都处于冲击期和愤怒期。
上海市精神卫生中心临床研究中心办公室主任陈俊也指出,新冠疫情带来的心理冲击源自其传染性疾病的本质(the nature of the contagious disease),大家都想远离病毒、远离感染者。
简里里介绍说,心理咨询一般特别强调“设置”(settings),比如跟来访者之间什么时候见面, 每次见多长时间,什么样的频率,在哪见面等等。设置的稳定感是心理咨询能发生的基础,一定要保证一个稳定感,可预期。类比到生活里面也是一样的。
而疫情期间, 大家不知道什么时候能和老友见面或工作该如何推动。“因为你的设置很不稳定,你也对此无能为力,你的生活框架被打破了,”她解释说。
Discover the source of stress and find a “safe haven”. Arrange a private space and time just for yourself. Ensure this space makes you feel safe and that you are not disturbed by the outside world. Do not dwell on your problems — focus only on the issues that you want to address.
Avoid overexposure to information, as being in a bad mood and absorbing complex details aggravate emotional problems. It is better to put down the phone and increase your forms of entertainment or exercise.
Gain self and mutual motivation and recognition. When internal positive energy is declining, self-affirmation is essential. It is important not only to see your own shortcomings or difficulties, but also to look at your strengths and possible solutions. Mutual encouragement and support from friends and workmates is also important to let you see your value and recharge positive energy.
Whenever possible, try to keep in touch with your family members, especially those who have joined front-line medical teams, and are away from home for a long time. Long-term worries about the safety of their families make such workers prone to guilt and self-blame. For mutual comfort, it is essential to maintain contact with family members.
Try to keep busy by adopting a healthy and regular lifestyle. Go to bed early and get up early. Maintain a good balance between study and work time, as well as entertainment and relaxation periods. Take up hobbies. Appropriate workout and relaxation training can also help relieve anxiety.
Build belief and confidence by eliminating the source of stress. Try to face life in a more positive and optimistic way.
以诚实的态度面对恐惧。如果我们正视它,任何恐惧都会迅速减少。那些治愈返阴的人,如果你面临周围人或家人的误解,要坦诚地与他们沟通。可以问他们 “我要怎么做才能让你更安心”。当你主动敞开心扉时,人们的同理心就会上来了。
Confront fear with honesty. Fear will quickly subside if we face up to it. For patients who have recovered from COVID-19, but who face misunderstanding from their families or neighbors, communication is key. Ask, “What can I do to make you feel more at ease”. When you take the initiative to open up to the situation, people will empathize with you.
Seek help from neighbors. A social support system and other resources play a vital role during quarantine. Whenever you encounter urgent problems, learn to ask people in your community for help.
Do things that make you happy. Learn to cook and work out. Your attitude toward life can affect your mental state. When you concentrate on doing one thing, such as thinking about what to eat for the three meals a day, you are living the moment.
Believe that all problems have more than one solution. The purpose of seeking psychological counseling is to find coping strategies. Once you learn these strategies, you will feel more settled.
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