OpenAI的创始人之一马斯克(Elon Musk)曾在社交媒体平台上称赞ChatGPT:“这是全新的世界。和家庭作业说再见吧!”(It's a new world. Goodbye homework!)
❶ 美洲(America)
New York City's Department of Education announced a ban on the wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT — which some have warned could inspire more student cheating — from its schools’ devices and networks.
The education department blocked access to the program, citing “negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of content,” a spokesperson said. The move from the nation’s largest school system could have ripple effects as districts and schools across the country grapple with how to respond to the arrival of the dynamic new technology.
ripple effect:连锁反应
Some professors, including George Washington, are redisgning their courses entirely, making changes that include more oral exams and handwritten papers in lieu of tyed ones.
in lieu of 代替
Some Canadian universities on the other hand, have no plans on completely banning the tool, but they are still drafting policies on its use, for both students and lecturers.
“人工智能工具既有潜在的好处,也有真正的挑战;它有可能帮助学习,但也可能会让学生找AI代做作业。”卑诗大学温哥华分校代理副教务长兼副校长西蒙·贝茨(Simon Bates)在一份声明中说。该大学正在拟一份简报和常见问题解答,为学生提供学术诚信方面的教育指导。
Acting vice-provost and associate vice-president at UBC Vancouver, Simon Bates, said that all AI tools come with both potential benefits and real challenges, adding that the university is in the process of developing a newsletter and FAQ as part of its educative approach to academic integrity.
❷ 欧洲(Europe)
在欧洲,巴黎政治学院(Sciences Po)率先行动。该学院在1月末发出通知,禁止各校区全体学生及教职工利用ChatGPT完成教学任务。
Sciences Po sent a message to all students and faculty announcing a ban on all AI-based tools by students and faculty in its Paris-based network, with campuses around France, including Lille, Toulouse and Grenoble.
院长谢尔盖·古里耶夫(Sergei Guriev)表示:“学术领域严禁在没有透明引用的情况下使用ChatGPT或任何其他使用AI的工具。”
"The use of ChatGPT, or any other tool using AI, without the transparent referencing is strictly forbidden in the academic space," wrote provost Sergei Guriev.
The penalty for using the tools would be "expulsion from the institution" or even a ban from French higher education as a whole.
德国图宾根大学在一封内部邮件中宣布,由于担心ChatGPT软件的使用变得不可控制,学校决定严格限制这款人工智能的使用。由 ChatGPT 生成的文本不得用于学习和考试。
❸ 澳洲 (Australia)
西澳州教育部总干事丽莎·罗杰斯(Lisa Rodgers)告诉澳大利亚广播公司珀斯电台,将采用防火墙封锁ChatGPT。
WA Education Department Director General Lisa Rodgers told ABC Radio Perth the website would be blocked via a firewall.
"There's no doubt it's incredible technology ... and it could present exciting opportunities, but for us, we consider a lot of third-party applications ... in this case, I've asked for access to be blocked," she said.
面对教育界的“封杀”,OpenAI首席执行官阿尔特曼(Sam Altman)近期表示,OpenAI正在研发帮助学校识别人工智能参与作弊的技术。
“We recognize that identifying AI-written text has been an important point of discussion among educators, and equally important is recognizing the limits and impacts of AI generated text classifiers in the classroom."
英国剑桥大学巴斯卡尔·维拉教授接受剑桥大学校报采访 图源:剑桥大学校报Varsity
英国剑桥大学分管教育的副校长巴斯卡尔·维拉(Bhaskar Vira)教授在接受剑桥大学校报(Varsity)采访时表示,人工智能是一种供人们使用的工具,大学禁用像ChatGPT这样的人工智能软件并不“明智”。
"I'm of the opinion that we have to recognise that [AI] is a tool people will use but then adapt our learning, teaching and examination processes so that we can continue to have integrity while recognising the use of the tool."
72% of college professors who are aware of ChatGPT, are concerned about its impact on cheating.
Over a third (34%) of all educators believe that ChatGPT should be banned in schools and universities.
66% support students having access to it.
Over 89% of students have used ChatGPT to help with a homework assignment.
53% had it write an essay.
Surprisingly, 72% of college students believe that ChatGPT should be banned from their college's network.
来源:欧洲时报 纽约时报 美国全国广播公司 澳大利亚广播公司 Global News 每日经济新闻
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