活动推荐 | MIT CSSA话剧《互联》上演倒计时!

活动推荐 | MIT CSSA话剧《互联》上演倒计时!




话剧《互联》是一部波士顿和上海双城记,记录了几年来动荡时局和疫情下,MIT中国留学生在美国的求学与成长,以及华人在美国的家庭生活和参与社会运动的经历,展现了华人在美国的喜怒哀乐以及向社会放大在美华人的声音。此剧由MIT CSSA中国学生学者联谊会、拾音朗诵社和MIT無名剧社联合制作献给社区和同学们!

“Interconnect” The Play with English subtitles brings a story of the young generation of Asian American families embracing cultural identity and diversity through current events in fighting the pandemic and heightened racial tensions that led to the Stop Asian Hate movement. In the spirit of Internet history at MIT, they learned how to build a bridge instead of a wall between different cultures, races, and countries.  The play is brought to you and the community by MIT Chinese Students and Scholar Association, Shiyin Poetry Society, and MIT Wuming Theater Club.



MIT中国学生学者联合会 MIT CSSA

麻省理工学院中国学生学者联合会(MIT CSSA )是MIT最大的中国学生社团,致力于营造一个开放包容、富有活力的社区,在职业发展、文化娱乐等方面为广大中国学生学者服务。

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chinese Students and Scholars Association (MIT CSSA) is the largest Chinese student association at MIT. It is committed to creating an open, inclusive and dynamic community, serving Chinese students and scholars in terms of career development, culture and entertainment.

MIT無名剧社 MIT Wuming Theater Club 


MIT Wuming Theater Club was founded by MIT and affiliated students in fall 2014. It aims to promote Chinese drama culture in the Greater Boston area, let drama decorate life, and make more people feel happy because of drama.

拾音朗诵社 Shiyin Poetry Society


Founded in 2017, Shiyin Poetry Society is a language performance art group. Many of its members have worked as language performance professional. In recent years, it has held many poetry based events such as "Shiyin Oriental", "Shiyin Mid-Autumn", and "Shiyin Lantern Festival", active in the Chinese cultural and artistic community.


MIT国标舞团  编舞 Ben Moss

MIT Ballroom Dance Team Choreographer Ben Moss

MIT国标舞队旨在通过初级和高级国标舞课程、比赛、社交活动和表演,与麻省理工学院学生、校友和其他麻省理工学院附属机构分享我们对竞技国标舞的热情。演出成员Ben Moss/Esther Rheinbay, Johannes Dietschreit/Madison Lee, Nick Ning/Raluca Cobzaru。

The MIT Ballroom Dance Team aims to share our passion for competitive ballroom dancing with MIT students, alums, and other MIT affiliates through beginner and advanced ballroom dance classes, competitions, socials, and performances. Featuring Ben Moss/Esther Rheinbay, Johannes Dietschreit/Madison Lee, Nick Ning/Raluca Cobzaru.


Mass Ave国乐团  

Mass Ave Chinese Music Ensemble

Mass Ave国乐团,初创于2019年4月,吸引了来自MIT、哈佛等学校的一批深爱中西音乐文化的小伙伴们参与。迄今为止,乐团多次登上常春藤春晚等舞台,并举办多次雅集与音乐会,旨在向不同文化背景的同学传播中华传统音乐与文化「乐而不淫,哀而不伤」的典雅意韵。演出成员陈一鸣(团长),林祺安,朱峰,崔齐缨,吴文頔。

Mass Ave Chinese Music Ensemble, founded in April 2019, is a group of young partners from MIT, Harvard and other schools who love Chinese and Western music and culture. Up to date, the Ensemble has appeared on the Ivy League Spring Festival Gala and other stages for many times, and has held many gatherings and concerts, aiming to spread the traditional Chinese music and culture to students from different cultural backgrounds in the spirit of “Happy but not kinky. Sad but not distressed”. Performed by Yiming Chen (Captain), Qian Lin, Feng Zhu, Tracy Cui and Wendy Wu.


贝舞团  编舞 张馨梅

BBT Ballroom Team  Choreographer Xinmei Zhang

贝舞团由志趣相投的舞蹈爱好者成立于2018年底,设有多个舞种的训练课程,师从多位波士顿著名舞蹈家,活跃于各大型晚会与公益活动中,团队富有表现力、感染力的表演,所到之处,好评如潮。是波士顿地区成团最短,但最受欢迎的国标表演团队。主要成员有陈虹(团长)、彭雅岚、杨碧茹、王仲丽、刘茹、陈义星、黄海森、樊延河、刘暾 、宁可。

The BBT Ballroom Team was established at the end of 2018 by like-minded dance lovers. It has been trained in a number of different dance courses by many famous professional dance instructors in Boston. The team is active in various large-scale entertainment and social activities to participate in performances and has been unanimously praised. Team members are Hong Chen (Captain), Yalan Peng, Biru Yang, Zhongli Wang, Ru Liu, Yixing Chen, Haisen Huang, Yanhe Fan, Tun Liu, Ke Ning.



Guoliyuan Language Art School


Guoliyuan Language Arts School is a place where you can systematically learn recitation in Boston. There is no entry barrier, and you only need to understand Chinese. Cultivate children's self-confidence and performance ability, Chinese oral expression, reading, comprehension ability, and ability to communicate with others and many comprehensive qualities.


波士顿东方之声合唱团 北美合唱协会爱乐合唱团  演出指挥 郭凌  中提琴伴奏 唐亿  钢琴伴奏 雷西杰

Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus  NACA Philharmonic Chorus  Performance Conductor Ling Guo Accompanied by Viola Yi Tang and by Piano Xijie Lei


Founded in 2000, the Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus is a cohesive, passionate and energetic American Chinese chorus. Over the past 20 years, it has been focused on Chinese culture and heritage, actively participated in various charity performances and contributed to the community, repeatedly achieving good results in chorus competitions. It has performed many beautiful Chinese and foreign songs all over the world, and won the gold medal in the 2012 Vienna International Adult Chorus Competition among many other awards.


北美合唱协会 (NACA)

Massachusetts, the North American Chorus Association (NACA)

北美合唱协会 (NACA) 于 2007 年 5 月在马萨诸塞州波士顿成立,是一个非营利性的艺术和音乐协会。其爱乐合唱团是热爱合唱艺术的朋友的一个志同道合的团体,以满足对合唱声乐境界的不断追求并从中得到真正的享受,激发更多歌唱爱好者对合唱艺术的热爱,成为社区高水平的艺术团体。

Founded in May of 2007 in Boston, Massachusetts, the North American Chorus Association (NACA) is a non-profit, artistic and musical association. Its Philharmonic Chorus is a selected group who love choral art, in the pursuit of the realm of choral vocal music and its delightment, inspire more people to love choral art, and become high-level community art groups.




MIT Kresge Auditorium, 

48 Mass Ave, Cambridge MA 02139


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