Porfiri 教授等,建立了带电膜的一个连续理论,解释了潜在的大机械变形,以及在带电膜的力学和电化学中发挥重要作用的四种非理想状态,即溶剂化作用、长程静电相互作用、短程物理相互作用,及由于有限孔径引起的空间效应。作者利用该模型研究了离子聚合物致动器的平面应变、稳态驱动。研究发现,非理想性对膜电化学有很大的影响,并由反离子的大小介导。此外,通过对膜自由能的各种贡献的分析表明,与理想混合自由能相比,非理想混合自由能是不可忽略的。这一连续理论首次为研究带电膜中力学和电化学之间复杂的相互作用提供了一个统一的框架,为量化这些作用对带电膜应用的影响铺平了道路。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8:144(2022),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
A non-ideal solution theory for the mechanics and electrochemistry of charged membranes
Alain Boldini & Maurizio Porfiri
Understanding how ions and solvent molecules migrate within charged membranes is fundamental for advancing the analysis of biological membranes and the design of energy storage and production devices. Recent efforts highlighted a significant interplay between mechanics and electrochemistry in charged membranes, calling for the development of high-fidelity models to describe their interaction. Here, we propose a continuum theory of the chemoelectromechanics of charged membranes, accounting for potentially large deformations and non-idealities of the solution permeating the membrane. We demonstrate the potential applications of our theory within the study of ionic polymer actuators. Our theory predicts sizeable effects of non-idealities and mechanical deformations, enabling insight into the role of mechanics on solute and solvent transport within charged membranes.