"Their economy size is second only to that of the United States. [The] United States is treated as a developed country, so should PRC."
The US House of Representatives is rather childish in the move. For long, the US has always been trying to strip China of its status as a developing country, with the WTO as a main target. The organization allows new members to claim themselves to be developing or developed economies, of which the latter could get some benefits. Yet the US opposed China’s entry as a developing economy in early 1990s and required to change the WTO rule in 2010s.
Which is rather against modern value. It was under the US’ leadership that the WTO passed the rule at its founding so as to serve Western interests; Now they want to alter the rules only because they serve the interests of China and other developing nations. To make and distort rules at will is a deed that even a kindergartner would shy from doing.
The US’ moves of reforming the WTO have all failed. Now they target at China by requiring the Secretary of State to strip China of the status of a developing country in all organizations where both US and China are included, which might mean to take China as the first of the dominoes to fall.
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