香港水上餐厅“珍宝海鲜舫”(the Jumbo Floating Restaurant)是一个著名地标,也是周星驰电影《食神》的取景地。餐厅最近因为意外在南海西沙群岛附近水域沉没,但好在没有任何船员受伤。
The vessel was due to stay at an undisclosed location while it awaited a new operator. But it sank on Sunday near the Paracel Islands after it "encountered adverse conditions" and began to take on water, Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises said.
The almost 4,200-square-meter vessel, being towed to an undisclosed location in Southeast Asia for maintenance works, partially sank on the stormy waters near Xisha Islands Saturday, according to Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises.
The Jumbo Floating Restaurant, which is widely known as Jumbo Kingdom, was towed away from the city less than a week ago and its parent company said in a public statement on Monday night that the boat had encountered adverse weather conditions when it passed the Xisha Islands.
一些同学可能会注意到,同样是“西沙群岛”,BBC翻译为the Paracel Islands,而国内的英文媒体则处理为the Xisha Islands,之所以会有这一区别,原因是译文的背后涉及到了国际话语权的问题。
又比如“黄岩岛”目前国际上流行的一个译名是Scarborough Shoal,而这一名字是英国船长Philippe D'Auvergne取的,因为他英国东印度公司的商船Scarborough号在黄岩岛触礁。很显然Scarborough Shoal是西方殖民者强加的英文名。菲律宾人也意识到了这一问题,并在前几年扬言要把Scarborough Shoal改为Panatag Shoal(来自菲律宾语的Kulumpol ng Panatag)。今天如果你去英文维基搜黄岩岛的词条,你会发现它存在五种称呼:Huangyan Island, Scarborough Shoal, Bajo de Masinloc, Panatag Shoal, Democracy Reef
南海其他岛屿目前流行的名称也大多是西方国家取的,比如“南沙群岛”被称为the Spratly Islands,“东沙群岛”被称为 the Pratas Islands。由于历史原因,西方国家对南海诸岛的英文译名已经在国际广泛传播,有时候甚至连国内的译者也会使用这些名称,这对于国际传播是不利的。也有学者对此表达了担忧。
我们在翻译的时候切不可被西方媒体牵着鼻子走。为了增强文化话语权,我们应该提倡使用自己的译名,这也是《中国日报》和《环球时报》使用the Xisha Islands来称呼“西沙群岛”的原因。南海的其他岛屿翻译也要以官方译名为准,比如“黄岩岛”应该译为Huangyan Island或者Huangyan Dao,“南沙群岛”为the Nansha Islands或Nansha Qundao,“太平岛”译为Taiping Island或Taiping Dao。对于重要地名的翻译,如果有不确定的地方也可以参考《中国日报》和《环球时报》这些官方英文媒体的译法。