推荐 | 阿诗玛演奏人员系列五
邓:我叫 Angelina Tang, 中文名子邓天欣,叫我 Angelina 就好,我在音协巜阿诗玛组曲》中演奏长笛。
邓:我 4 年级开始跟随张正山老师学习长笛,已经有 7 年了。我是学校乐团的长笛队员,不仅参加了学校乐团的表演,并参加了音协的巜刘三姐组曲》首演。在张老师的指导下,我还学习了胡芦丝。顺便,我也跟着张老师学会了读简谱。
邓:周六青少年乐团 6 点开始排练,我早点去可协助老师,帮助队友,使排练能更顺利进行。也帮助做五线谱,简谱的翻译。7 点开始乐团的排练。我特别喜欢音协,与队友们排练很快乐。
云:你是怎样平衡你高中学习与音协活动的? 还有其他的爱好?
邓:我现在是 11 年级,学校学习活动虽然紧张,但合理安排时间,用心去做自己想做的事,都可以做好的,也会找到时间的。我课外还喜欢画画,参加过不少的比赛,曾荣获 scholastic artand writing competition 银奖。
邓:演出票我大概推了 8-10 张,也不是特别多。音协筹钱中,我虽然没有工作,但通过 gofundme,现己集到$1000。
My name is Raquel Turk. My chinese name is 林詠綺. I live in Winchester and I am in 10th grade atWinchester High School.
I have always loved music in every way shapeand form. When I was younger I used to play the violinwhich gave me a solid foundation in music which I havebeen able to build off of as I has grown up. I love tosing, I am a part of my school’s choir, and also takevoice lessons.
I have been learning the erhu for around6 years. I really liked the way it sounded when I firstheard it. I am honored to be a student of Mr. Lin. He ismy mentor and I have learned so much under him. Ijoined the Boston Chinese Music Association's youthorchestra in 2019 and I preformed with them untilCOVID started. I also played with GBCCA’s youthorchestra and preformed with them a few times.
I heardabout the 阿詩瑪 from my erhu teacher 林湛濤 whoencouraged me to join both the youth and adultorchestras. I attend orchestra because I like being ableto play my erhu with many other musicians who are alsopassionate about music. Seeing so many talentedpeople at orchestra inspires me to work harder andbecome better at my instrument.
Orchestra has helpedme become better at teamwork and also better atmanaging my time.
Because I have a lot of extracurricular activitiesit is a little tricky to fit in time to practice music fororchestra.
I usually practice when I get home from trackpractice after school before I do my school homeworkso I don’t forget to practice. I also listen to the musicthat we’re playing when I have free time to help meremember it better.