










Call of the ages



Call of the ages


Obituary: Jennie Litvack died on June 27th

The blower of the shofar was 55

逝者:羊角号演奏家,珍妮·利特瓦克, 627日逝世,享年55

The call came, appropriately enough, while she was walking through the Old City of Jerusalem, her husband said. They had stopped at a small shop near the Roman Cardo. By the door stood a barrel of shofars. Not regular ram’s horn shofars, but the long curved Yemeni instruments made from the horn of the greater kudu, an African antelope. She blew each one in turn. What emerged was a deep throaty musical summons that almost quivered, casting those who heard it back to one of the most significant moments in Judaism when God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his own son and ordered him to kill a ram instead.



1. 普通羊角号     

2. Roman Cardo,罗马大道,也称罗马市场,In ancient Roman city planning, a cardo or cardus was a north-south-oriented street in cities, military camps, and coloniae. Sometimes called the cardus maximus, the cardo served as the center of economic life. The street was lined with shops, merchants, and vendors.Cardo in Roman city planning.摘自:

In the street a crowd began to gather. They had never heard such a sound before. And then, somewhere in the barrel, she found it—the shofar that produced the perfect deep baritone, the primal call she’d long dreamed of but never made. When she blew it, the crowd fell silent. Shopkeepers, tourists, old men pushing carts: they all stopped. They knew this one was different. And so was born a new ba’alattokeah, a high mistress of the horn.


It helped, of course, that she had played the trumpet since she was a child. At 14 she went up to Dizzy Gillespie after a concert at the Rising Sun jazz club in her native Montreal, and asked if she could have a go on his instrument—and a lesson. The next morning her mother dropped her at his hotel and waited patiently in the car outside. An hour passed. Then two. Then three. After four hours, her mother knocked on the door. There they were, the two of them—the father of Be Bop and the curly-haired teenager with the smiling eyes—laughing, playing backgammon, learning to twang the Jew’s harp, just being friends. They remained friends for the rest of his life. He called her his god-daughter. She named her first son Benjamin Diz.

当然,这得益于珍妮自幼练习小号。珍妮14岁时,在家乡蒙特利尔市的旭日爵士酒吧欣赏迪兹·吉莱斯皮的音乐会。演奏结束后,她主动走上去询问迪兹·吉莱斯皮Dizzy Gillespie),能否试吹他的小号,并且得到指点。第二天一早,母亲便把珍妮送到了迪兹下榻的酒店,自己则耐心地在车里等候1个小时过去了,2个小时、3个小时也过去了。4个小时后,母亲终于忍不住敲开了迪兹的房门。进门发现,这两人一个是比波普爵士乐之父,一个是满眼笑意的卷发少年,俨然已经成了好朋友。他俩笑声连连,一边玩着西洋双陆棋,一边学习演奏单簧口琴。他们的友谊贯穿了迪兹的余生。迪兹认珍妮作教女,而珍妮则给大儿子取名本杰明·迪兹Benjamin Diz)。



For a while she considered applying to a music conservatory after high school. When instead she chose to major in public policy at Duke University, she took her trumpet into the marching band. She played it, too, when she went on to the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy to write up her research that proved that in poor countries people were better off, financially and medically, if they were asked to pay a little bit of the cost of ensuring a supply of drugs to their local pharmacy rather than if they paid nothing—and got nothing. She played the trumpet some more when working as an economist for the World Bank, in northern Cameroon, Vietnam and Morocco. And then, at 43, having just had her last son, she decided to follow what she called her still, quiet voice and be part of a movement to revitalise Jewish spiritual life in America.

她一度考虑过高中毕业后申请音乐学校;但是,最后还是选择去杜克大学修读公共政策专业。大学期间,她在军乐队里担任小号手。 后来她去了弗莱彻法律与外交学院深造,并且继续演奏小号。她在弗莱彻学院撰写了研究报告,报告证明在贫困国家,相较于不出一分钱,不得一点利而言,如果人们能通过支付少量费用就能确保在当地药房获得药品,从经济和医疗保障上看,人们的生活都会更好。在珍妮作为经济学家为世界银行工作期间,她在北喀麦隆,越南和摩洛哥都工作过,在这期间,她投入了更多的时间演奏小号。43岁那年,在生完最小的儿子之后,珍妮决定追随她内心平静而坚定的声音,投身于美国复兴犹太精神生活运动。


1. Jennie Litvack went on to earn her master’s and doctoral degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. 摘自《The Washington Institute

She resigned from the World Bank and joined the Adas Israel synagogue in Washington, dc, where in 1876 Ulysses S. Grant became the first American president to attend a service in a synagogue. There was meditation every Tuesday night, yoga every Wednesday night, lessons in Jewish mindfulness all through the week. But it was when she held aloft the shofar that she really found her voice.



After every morning service through the month of Elul, then through Rosh Hashanah—Jewish new year—on to Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, her friend, would call out: Tekiyah. She would respond with a single note, the awakening summons to Jews to focus on the year that has passed and think about the type of people they would like to be. Shevarim, the cry from the heart, the triptych of notes that speak of a sense of brokenness. Teruah for the nine staccato notes that, like an alarm clock, she would say, would summon the listener, “Wake up, wake up, wake up. Now is the time to do something.” And then Tekiyahgedolah, the final long note, that refers to a oneness, a total unity coming together. Over 100 notes in all, more than an orchestral horn player would expect to sound in an evening concert, blowing the shofar at Rosh Hashanah is a challenge that takes knowledge of the tradition, technique and spiritual engagement.

在厄路耳月(希伯来历的十二月,公立的8-9月间)每天的晨祷结束后,以及吹角节即犹太新年,和赎罪日的晨祷之后,珍妮的朋友劳伦·霍尔茨布拉特 Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt)拉比会喊出:Tekiyan(三个长音)。然后她会吹奏出一个单音,来唤起犹太人专注于总结过去的一年,思考他们想要成为何类人。Shevarim, 心底的呐喊,三个相连的音符诉说着一股破碎感。Teruah是九个断音,她说就像闹钟一样,会唤醒听者,醒醒,醒醒,醒醒。得想想你要做的事了之后就是最后一个长音Tekiyahgedolah,代表着一体性,贯穿始终。总共一百余个音,比管弦乐队号号手在晚间音乐会上听到的还要多。在犹太新年吹奏羊角号是一项挑战,号手必须要熟悉传统,技巧高超,并且在精神上全情投入。

1.吹角节(犹太新年,Rosh ha Shanah)是犹太曆的堤斯利月首日,民曆的首月,七个圣会的其中之一。提斯利月是圣经年曆的第七个月份,正好与安息日相像,是一个特别的日子,是一个更要寻求神的时候。而上一个月份以禄月,就像是安息日前的星期五预备日。这个季节我们要反省、深思,把我们与亚哈威神的关係理清楚,做出正确的选择。摘自:

2.Tekiyah: one of the long deep calls sounded on the shofar as prescribed in the Jewish ritual for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 摘自

3. Shofar 衍生阅读

The shofar is usually men’s business. As a woman, she had to be twice as good. She had help, she said—a perfect shofar, carved to fit her mouth exactly by a man called Shimon who lived on the Golan Heights and knew just enough English to tell her: “Blow!” There was also, she believed, divine assistance. At home when she took her deepest breath for the Tekiyahgedolah, she could manage only 40 seconds. But in the synagogue she managed to stretch that out to nearly a minute. Her son had timed her. And then there was how people responded to her call: the women who told her how welcoming her blowing made the Rosh Hashanah service for them, the National Public Radio listeners who heard her speak of her passion for her instrument and her encounter with Gillespie, the Justice on Israel’s Supreme Court—an Orthodox Jew no less—who invited her to blow the shofar at the court itself, the joggers in Central Park who slowed down and then stopped to watch when she accompanied Alicia Svigals on the klezmer violin, playing “Amazing Grace”.



1. Golan Heights:

2. Rosh Hashanah:

3. Amazing Grace:

4. Klezmer:

Every thing that hath breath


Along with the birth of her sons, she liked to say that blowing the shofar brought her closer to God than anything else in her life. Even after her metastasing cancer meant the removal of a large part of both her lungs, she would take up her instrument with kavanah, “intention”, close her eyes, shut out the world and concentrate on her breath, her shofar, her soul.



kavanah: is the Hebrew word for direction, intention, or purpose. In its simplest meaning, it refers to concentrating the mind in the performance of a religious act, ensuring that it doesn’t devolve into rote, mechanical action. It is most commonly associated with concentration and intention in Jewish prayer, but the concept of kavanah applies to all mitzvot. 摘自:

In the Old Testament the Book of Genesis says that God formed man out of dust from the ground when He blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Hebrew word for soul, neshama, is intimately connected to the word for breath. Her breath had shushed her boys to sleep in their crib, it whooshed out of her whenever she jumped naked, as she liked to do, into a Canadian mountain lake, and it transported Adas Israel’s congregation to Mount Sinai when it blew air into her shofar. That breath may have been stilled, but like Abraham’s horn it lives on. At the start of her funeral, the shofar was sounded by her three sons.


Book of Genesis《创世记》是《圣经》旧约的一卷书,本卷书共50章。记载了上帝的创造、始祖的堕落、神和人的关系、神拯救的计划、基督的豫表、人类的发展、神如何选以色列人成为自己的选民以及以色列人的起始历史等。








Rachel Zhang,学理工科,爱跳芭蕾,热爱文艺的非典型翻译(年年备战一口)




Sheri,坚信可以forever young的老年人


如果将她的人生分为两个阶段,第一阶段主要是对外的探索与贡献,第二阶段则是探索自身灵魂深处,寻找人生的宁静、平衡。讣告的最后也提到了《旧约-创世纪》里面的一句话——“上帝用尘土造人,将生气(灵)吹在他的鼻孔里”。这让我想起了源于《圣经》中的另一句话:“尘归尘,土归土(ashes to ashes, dust to dust)”。珍妮的人生似乎就是这样,那种“生气”促使她在人生的第一阶段去用自己的努力促成好的改变;而在她的后半生中,她归于本心,最后归于“尘土”。






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