










Congo’s wheels



Pieere Mambele


Congo’s wheels


Pieere Mambele, taxi-driver, died on June 8th, aged 74


Since the best place to pick up a fare in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, was outside the Grand hotel (for a time, the Intercontinental), that was where Pierre Mambele usually parked his car. There he would wait, with a bottle of Sprite, under the trees for shade.


His car was nothing fancy. It was a dark blue 1976 Fiat which had seen service on plenty of bad roads. The side mirrors and windscreen-wipers had long gone, good riddance to them. The front doors could fly open at speed, so sometimes had to be tied to the chassis with plastic bags. The exhaust trailed. This car limped from one criminal mechanic to another, but as long as it ran, and people were willing to pay him for a ride, he wasn’t bothered.


His clothes were nothing fancy either. On most days in fashion-proud Kinshasa he wore a greasy t-shirt and dirty jeans. His thick glasses, mended with Sello tape, had never been much use. Yet he drove crazy-fast, pedal to the floor, roaring round the city. He was not a Kinois himself, one of that snooty so-sophisticated lot, and the other drivers outside the Grand called him “Kisangani” after the city where he was born, in the east. He spoke Swahili as well as Lingala. But he had been a taxi-driver in the capital for decades, and knew the ramshackle place like the back of his hand. Kin-la-belle, now Kin-la-poubelle, as everyone said.



Driving fast also showed his contempt for any sort of authority. Soldiers toting guns in the road were a joke: pas sérieux, quel cinéma! As for the roulages, the yellow-helmet traffic cops who would leap out to bang on his windscreen and demand money for some offence he hadn’t committed, he would shout and argue with them until it came to fists, and they gave up. A cop got in his way once when he was doing a three-point turn outside a grocery store. He just kept going, with the idiot spread eagled on the bonnet.


Because he was so audacious, and had good instincts, and would go to places other drivers wouldn’t, his taxi became the car of choice for Western journalists. It was good money, $35 a day in the 1990s (though the best money came from Western tv crews, if they turned up in town). His regular passengers for years included Michela Wrong and Stephanie Wolters of Reuters, Howard French of the New York Times, Dino Mahtani of Reuters (and The Economist), on whose office sofa he would take naps, William Wallis of the Financial Times. Though he spoke no English and growled thickly in French, often just to himself, they all knew what he was grumbling about. He was the conduit through which they, and their readers, came to grasp what was happening in Congo.

皮埃尔·曼贝勒胆大心善,愿意去那些其他司机不敢去的地方。因此,他的出租车成为西方记者出行的首选。对于皮埃尔来说,载西方记者出行的收入也喜人,在20世纪90年代,能有35美金一天(当然,如果西方电视节目摄制组来到城里,他们付的车费更可观)。多年来,皮埃尔的老主顾有路透社的米凯拉·容(Michela Wrong)和斯蒂芬妮·沃尔特斯(Stephanie Wolters),《纽约时报》的霍华德·弗兰奇(Howard French),路透社(以及《经济学人》)的迪诺·马塔尼(Dino Mahtani),以及《金融时报》的威廉· 沃利斯(William Wallis)。他还曾在迪诺马塔尼的办公室沙发上打盹。虽然他不会说英语,法语也吐字不清,经常只是用来自顾自地吼,但是他的常客都明白他在抱怨什么。他是这些记者以及他们的读者的消息渠道,他们通过他了解刚果正在发生的大事小情。

None of it was good. C’est pas bien, c’est foutu, finger wagging angrily as he careered along. He had ulcers, his stomach hurt and his wife was divorcing him, but his country pained him more. Everyone was corrupt. Everything was screwed. In his lifetime Congo had gone from brutal Belgian colonialism to brief independence under Patrice Lumumba to dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko, before the Kabila clan took over. He had met Lumumba at rallies in Kisangani, and liked him. For Mobutu and his henchmen he had no time at all. Nor for the Kabilas, whose claims to be rassembleurs, unifiers, made him laugh out loud. His hopes lay with Etienne Tshisekedi, “the Sphinx”, founder of a party for democratic change without violence. But Tshisekedi never made it to president, and his son Félix managed it only by villainy, like all the rest.

他的生活一点也不顺遂。糟透了,要完蛋了!他气得手发抖,一边驾车飞奔,一边抱怨说。他得了胃溃疡,胃老是疼,妻子也在跟他闹离婚;然而,他的祖国伤他更深。人人都贪腐,事事都糟糕。他一生经历了刚果从残暴的比利时殖民统治到帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumumba)领导下的短暂独立,再到蒙博托·塞塞·塞科(Mobutu Sese Seko)的独裁统治,然后是卡比拉(Kabila)家族掌权。皮埃尔曾在基桑加尼的集会上见过卢蒙巴,对他印象不错;对于蒙博托和他的爪牙,他无心了解,对卡比拉家族也完全没兴趣。卡比拉家族宣称要统一刚果,更让他失笑。他寄希望于长得像狮身人面像的艾蒂安·齐塞凯迪(Etienne Tshisekedi)。齐塞凯迪创立了一个政党,主张非暴力民主变革。然而,齐塞凯迪没能当上总统,他的儿子菲利克斯(Félix)虽然当选,却跟其他人一样,靠的凶残卑劣手段。


the Shinx:

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Etienne Tshisekedi was knownas the Sphinx of Limete, named after his home neighborhood of Limete inthe capital Kinshasa. Whenever the veteran opposition leader appeared tohave been outmaneuvered by his opponents, he always managed to reclaimhis place in the political arena.  

选自Obituary: Etienne Tshisekedi, 84 | Africa | DW | 02.02.2017

There had been one golden moment. It came in 1974, the year he started driving a taxi. Congo, then called Zaire, won the African Soccer Cup and hosted the Rumble in the Jungle, the heavyweight boxing match between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali. Kinshasa was suddenly swarming with Americans, hands full of dollars, needing a cab. Even better, one evening Ali himself, his hero, came out of the hotel. One of the younger drivers tried to spar with him, and he, Pierre, stepped between them like a referee to shout “Break! Dégage-toi!” He saw that fight, which Ali won, and loved ever after to drive his journalists past the May 20th Stadium, remembering it.

皮埃尔的出租事业也曾有过黄金时刻。那是1974年,他开出租的第一年,时称扎伊尔的刚果(金)赢得了非洲杯冠军,举办了乔治·福尔曼(George Foreman)对阵穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)的重量级拳击比赛——“丛林之战。突然之间,金沙萨挤满了美国人,他们手舞美元,招呼出租车。更令人记忆深刻的是,一天晚上,他的偶像阿里从格兰德大酒店出来,一位年轻的出租司机上去和阿里比试,而他,皮埃尔,则站在他们中间,像裁判那样大喊分开!分开!” 他观看了那场比赛,阿里获胜,自那以后,每次载着他的记者乘客经过五二零体育馆时,他脑海里都浮想起当时的场景,激动不已。

He could show them other good things, too. He took many to eat fish and cassava at Maluku on the Congo river, and encouraged some to meet Papa Wendo, the ancient father of the Congolese rumba, or to listen in on meetings of intellectuals who conversed in English. He wanted to display Congo’s best side—the really impressive side, not the overweening official villas on the hill in Binza towards which the little Fiat would trundle, then expire, and need to be jump-started while the sharp suits stood and stared.




Some of those officials, the grosses legumes, he knew, and they gave him a certain respect, both because he kept turning up with Western journalists and because, clearly, he was fearless. This made him useful as a fixer, though he was a driver first, and ran the same risks the journalists did when he strayed into presidential compounds or, as in the 1990s, into riots. But he and the car, as its bashes showed, would drive through anything. He had to get his journalists, first, to where they wanted to go and, second, safely back again. If bad stuff happened, and they ended up hauled from the car or in jail, he would stay until he had rescued them—sometimes because he knew the right person, often by shoving and shouting. He became their protector and friend. In return they gave him money to buy a better car, but he preferred to get a cheap one and, in his chaotic style, fritter the rest away.



Les Grosses Legumes 豆类蔬菜大王,是刚果国曾崛起的精英

At times he found he was thinking like a journalist himself, pushing his charges to get closer to the action when something newsworthy occurred. He wanted to be there in the sweat of it when history happened. Yet history seemed to have slowed almost to a stop in Congo. Nothing changed, and nothing would. Its leaders were idiots. The economy was bust. Some parts were given over to constant war. Fewer journalists came to cover it, so it was hardly worth waiting even outside the Grand. Il n’y a rien, il n’y a rien, he would mutter down the phone to his journalist friends who had gone home. In response they sent him clothes and money for the hospital where eventually he had to go; they had not forgotten Congo. Sadly, it seemed to him that the rest of the world had.





Li Xia , 女, 我视英语为初恋,英语瞧我像备胎













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