

1983年5月9日是个周一,那时候美国大多数中餐馆都会在这一天关门歇业。但在那个不同寻常的周一,密歇根州底特律市的中餐馆老板、厨师和服务员关门歇业,不是为了得到一天的休息,而是为了他们的华裔同胞——一个名叫陈果仁(Vincent Chin)的人。
May 9 fell on a Monday in 1983 and, typically for the time, most Chinese restaurants in the United States would close their doors that day. But, in Detroit, they had another reason to do so. The Chinese restaurateurs, chefs and waiters in the Michigan city shut down not for a well-earned break but to demand justice for the broken skull of a fellow Chinese American named Vincent Chin. 

▲ 陈果仁生前照

在前一年的6月19日,27岁的美籍华人陈果仁被克莱斯勒汽车公司的一名车间主管罗纳德·埃本斯(Ronald Ebens)及其继子迈克尔·尼茨(Michael Nitz)用棒球棍残忍殴打杀害。案件发生后,凶手却一天监狱都没蹲。这件被视为种族歧视的惨案,引发了美国的泛亚裔运动。来自不同国家的亚裔移民,首次联合起来争取亚裔人权。

A year before on June 19, 1982, Chin was bludgeoned to death by Ronald Ebens, a Chrysler plant supervisor, and his stepson Michael Nitz, neither of whom were given prison terms. The appalling miscarriage of justice led to nationwide outcry and jump-started the modern Asian American movement. 


In Detroit's John F. Kennedy Square, nearly 1,000 people gathered for what was believed to be the industrial city's first protest with a predominantly Asian base. 

▲ 1983年5月9日,在底特律肯尼迪广场的示威游行 摄影:Corky Lee


谢汉兰(Helen Zia), 这场抗议活动的组织者之一,就是后者中的一员。

Low-wage manual laborers were joined by senior scientists and "comfortable professionals"-to use the words of Helen Zia, one of the event's key organizers-who were with the city's major auto manufacturers known as "the Big Three". Grandparents who pushed baby strollers and who had never protested, bar the grievances they bottled up inside, found themselves chanting calls for change alongside the baby-boomer generation who had grown up seeing "the mistreatment of our parents and grandparents" and who were ready to "assert every right that every other American has", said Zia, who counts herself among that questioning generation.

 谢汉兰 受访者供图

同样值得注意的是,举着标语的抗议者们几乎涵盖了生活在底特律的各个亚裔族群, 包括华裔、日裔、韩裔、菲裔和越南裔等。参与其中的日裔美国人詹姆斯·下浦(James Shimoura)说:“人们克服了语言和年龄的障碍,克服了诸多历史性不信任因素走到一起来,就是为了证明:人多力量大!” 下浦的祖父1913年左右从日本来到美国。作为一名年轻律师,下浦当年曾为遇难者陈果仁的母亲莉莉·陈(Lily Chin)提供法律援助。

The placard-waving crowd covered the spectrum of Asian Americans in Detroit. Aside from Chinese, there were Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos and Vietnamese, among others. "People had overcome language and generational barriers and a lot of historic distrust to show that there's strength in numbers," said James Shimoura, whose grandfather came from Japan around 1913. As a young attorney, Shimoura lent legal support to Vincent's mother, Lily Chin.

“我想为我的儿子讨回公道。只有你们伸出援手,其他的母亲才不会需要去做我今天在做的事情……” 莉莉在抗议活动上对她的支持者们说。

"I want justice for my son. Please help me so no other mother must do this," the bereaved mother told her supporters on that memorable Monday. 

▲ 谢汉兰(前排右二)和莉莉(前排右三)以及她的支持者在底特律市议会上 谢汉兰供图


The pain was excruciating: a year before, on June 19, 1982, Vincent celebrated his upcoming wedding at a bachelor party in a local club, before getting into a brawl with Ebens and Nitz. After all of them were thrown out by the owner, Ebens and Nitz drove around the neighborhood for half an hour looking for Chin, even paying another man $20 to get in the car and help "get the Chinese". They eventually spotted Chin in the parking lot of a McDonald's restaurant.


While Chin tried to escape, he was held firm by Nitz as Ebens repeatedly bludgeoned him with a baseball bat as if he was swinging "for a home run", according to one of the two off-duty police officers who witnessed the killing. Four days later, Lily Chin removed her unconscious son from life support. The 400 guests for the 27-year-old's forthcoming nuptials attended his funeral.



Horrific as it was, the killing was met with silence from the local Asian community, a reaction that was hardly surprising to Zia.

"The Asian population in America had been kept very small by immigration laws until 1965, so small that it could be easily targeted and taken out," she said. "In fact, there had been burnings of Chinatown throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. And all Japanese Americans on the West Coast were arrested and thrown into camps during WWII. So the idea was to never make waves, and never be the nail that sticks up, because you will be hammered down."

But mind-boggling injustice had ultimately led people to overcome their fears. Without consulting Lily Chin, the county prosecutor, who technically represented the interests of the Chin family, offered Ebens and Nitz a plea bargain, which the two accepted; their original charge of second-degree murder was reduced to manslaughter.

认罪后,两人被判三年缓刑和3000余美元罚款。在县法院的短暂宣判过程中,只有凶手的律师和法官查尔斯·考夫曼(Charles Kaufman)在场。“处罚不应该因罪而定,而应该因人而定,像埃本斯这样(体面)的人不应该被送进监狱。” 法官说。

“他的命还不如一辆二手车值钱。” 陈果仁的一位朋友哀叹道。

After pleading guilty to the reduced charge, the two were given three years' probation and a $3,000 fine, at a brief sentencing session in a county court with the participation of only the killers' lawyer and Judge Charles Kaufman. The judge made the now-infamous remark that "these weren't the kind of men you send to jail … You don't make the punishment fit the crime; you make the punishment fit the criminal."

As a family friend put it, "Vincent's life was worth less than a used car".


Zia placed the sentence in the context of a city in which black people made up 60 percent of the population. In Detroit, "an African American could go to jail for crossing the street in the wrong place, or having a car with an expired registration". That meant there "was a complete recognition of what the judge meant by that remark", she said.

▲ 下浦(左一)和谢汉兰(右一)纪念陈果仁逝世40周年 摄影:Joyce Xi



Apart from all the historical racism Asian Americans have endured, Chin’s death is a direct result of what was going on in Detroit. The late 1970s and early 80s witnessed the downfall of the auto industry in the country's "motor city". Faced with plummeting car sales and significant layoffs, the manufacturers, politicians and union leaders joined in on a chorus of blame directed at the Japanese car industry, whose fuel-efficient models rode the wave of a new oil crisis to land on US shores, trampling the domestically produced gas-guzzlers.


What followed was fervent Japan-bashing: frustrated workers attended organized events to smash Japanese cars, swinging their sledgehammers with a gusto that would have put Ebens to shame.


A few days after the sentencing, Zia and Shimoura met with a bunch of others at the Golden Star Restaurants in Ferndale, Michigan, where Chin, an industrial draftsman at a local auto supplier, worked weekends as a waiter. Both Shimoura’s and Chin’s fathers joined the US Army during WWII. Through his military service, the latter, who died months before his son’s killing, earned the right to bring a Chinese bride (Lily Chin) into the US. After the wife suffered a miscarriage and was unable to have children, the couple adopted 6-year-old Vincent from China. 

由于考夫曼拒绝考虑重新判决,谢汉兰、下浦和他们的“战友”们在1983年成立了美国公民正义联盟(American Citizens for Justice)。ACJ是第一个在全美范围内开展活动的泛亚裔民间组织,它成立之初的明确目标就是推动将陈果仁的死作为一起严重侵害公民权利的案件而非单纯的刑事案件进行二度审理。ACJ也是今年陈果仁被害40周年纪念活动的重要推动方。

The group founded the American Citizens for Justice, or ACJ, in 1983. The first explicitly pan-Asian grass-roots community advocacy effort with a national scope, ACJ set as its stated goal a federal civil rights investigation in Chin’s slaying, after Judge Kaufman refused to consider resentencing. 

有一个关键问题必须回答:亚裔美国人能获得《民权法案》的保护吗? 德高望重的宪法专家罗伯特·A·赛德勒(Robert A. Sedler)给出的答案是明确的“不能”。

1964年通过的《民权法案》(Civil Rights Law Act)禁止“基于种族、肤色、宗教、性别或国籍的歧视”,但赛德勒却认为这只适用于非裔美国人。对此,赛德勒教授在韦恩州立大学法学院(Wayne State University Law School)的学生丽莎·陈(Liza Chan,陈绰薇)并不同意。丽莎是陈母法律后援团的领导人物。 

But one crucial question remained: were Asian Americans eligible for civil rights protection? The answer from the well-respected constitutional law expert Robert A. Sedler was a definite "No". The Civil Rights Law Act, passed in 1964 to prohibit "discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin", applied only to African Americans, the professor told Liza Chan, his student from Wayne State University Law School who led the group's legal effort, supported by other young Asian-American attorneys that included Shimoura. 

丽莎对整个事件进行了彻底的调查取证。她采访到的一位关键目击者是拉辛·科尔韦尔(Racine Colwell),冲突发生的俱乐部的一名脱衣舞娘。科尔韦尔此前曾告诉媒体,她听到埃本斯对陈果仁喊到:“都是因为你们这些混蛋,我们才失业的。”当丽莎在俱乐部和科尔韦尔家里向她取证时,她“坚定地说……她听到了”这句话。

One of the witnesses Chan interviewed was Racine Colwell, a dancer from the club where the brawl took place. Colwell had previously told the press that Ebens yelled to Chin: "It's because of you mother******* that we're out of work". It was something Colwell "steadfastly maintained that… she heard" when Chan talked to her both at the club and at her home.

这一发现证实了亚裔社群一直以来所持有的观点,即陈果仁是种族仇恨的受害者。埃本斯先是直接提到日本汽车工业,而后又一定要“抓住那个中国人”,这一事实也让所有人明白了一点。“你的种族背景不能保护你,只要你是亚洲人,你是黄种人,你就是打击目标。” 下浦说。 

That discovery confirmed the long-held belief among Asian Americans that Chin was a victim of racial hatred. The fact that Ebens referred directly to the Japanese auto industry before he started his hunt to "get the Chinese" drove home another point.

"Your ethnic background doesn't protect you-you are Asian, you are yellow, you are a target," Shimoura said.


As Chan investigated, Zia and others at the ACJ were engaged in a full-scale public campaign that involved lots of mechanical work in that pre-internet, pre-Instagram age. For the first time in US history, an Asian American-initiated issue was considered significant national news. Rallies and protests erupted from New York to Los Angeles. The US Department of Justice received an unprecedented number of letters, telegrams and phone calls-more than 15,000 inquiries in total-demanding a federal prosecution.

▲ 1983年5月9日,在底特律肯尼迪广场举行的示威游行 摄影:Victor Yang/China Times


Following a federal investigation and indictment by a grand jury, Ebens was found guilty of violating Chin's civil rights in June 1984 and sentenced to 25 years in prison by Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, one of the first African-American women to serve on the federal bench. Nitz was acquitted of all charges.


But if this had offered any comfort to Lily Chin, it didn't last. Ebens' lawyers appealed, citing an audiotape of Chan interviewing Chin's three friends who were with him that night. The lawyers argued that the prosecution had tampered with the witness testimony by getting them to "agree on what happened".


A retrial was ordered and the venue was changed from Detroit to Cincinnati, where an all-white jury found no racial motivation in the killing of Chin. Ebens was acquitted and was ordered to pay $1.5 million, an amount he has so far largely dodged stumping up.

在庭审过程中,丽莎从未被允许就集体采访和录音的问题出庭作证。在她的自传中,丽莎解释说这么做是 “为了在有限的时间内尽快收集相关信息”。“这是我的失误……如果我要 ‘指导证人统一证词’,那我为什么还要公开录下这个过程呢?”


In her autobiography, Chan, who was never called to testify on the tapes, explained her motive. "It was bad judgment on my part to hold a 'group' interview out of expediency and time constraints to gather relevant information as expeditiously as possible," she wrote. "If I had intended to 'coach the witness', why would I have openly tape-recorded the interview?" Chan died in 2019, after battling immune system diseases for decades. 


“他们对200人进行了筛选,看有多少人将会是‘公正的’,至于‘公正’的定义就见仁见智了。候选者被问到的一个问题是 ‘你是否接触过亚洲人或东方人?’” 谢汉兰回忆道。“如果你有一位亚裔朋友或你的孩子有一名亚裔同学,那你就不符合要求。最后产生的,是一个对亚裔美国人和底特律汽车行业都一无所知的陪审团。

Calling Chan "a lone warrior", Zia believes that the final outcome had much less to do with the taped interview than with the jury in Cincinnati, whose selection she had watched.

"They had 200 people they were screening to see how many of them could be impartial, whatever impartial means. And one of the questions they were asked was 'have you ever met anyone who was Asian or Oriental?'," recalled Zia. "If you had a friend or your child had a classmate who was Asian, they don't want you. So they actually picked a jury that was completely ignorant about Asian Americans and the auto industry in Detroit."

谢汉兰说:“此前在底特律的审判中,陪审团给埃本斯定罪的最重要依据,就是那位舞者的证词。然而辛辛那提的陪审团成员们,却无法从那句 ‘都是因为你们这些混蛋,我们才失业了’ 中体会到任何种族主义的意味。同样的,他们也看不出埃本斯的那句 ‘抓住那个中国人’ 有什么问题。毕竟,两句话中都不包含有典型的种族歧视性用词。”

She added: "The first jury in Detroit said that it was the testimony from the dancer alone that made them find Ebens guilty. But the jury in Cincinnati couldn't see any racism in that 'Because of you mother******* we are out of job' or his 'get the Chinese', neither of which contains a racial slur," she said.

“他们(陈果仁和他的朋友们)想找麻烦,这下子他们找到大麻烦了吧!” 脱罪后的埃本斯得意洋洋地告诉《底特律自由新闻报》的记者迈克尔·摩尔(Michael Moore)。摩尔后来因执导《华氏911》Fahrenheit 9/11等纪录片而蜚声国际。

"They (Chin and his friends) were looking for trouble and they got it," a victorious Ebens told The Detroit Free Press journalist Michael Moore, who later gained international renown as director of documentary films including Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11.


In retrospect, Zia, considered today a key figure in the Asian-American rights movement, saw the outgoing, car-loving Chin as typical of her generation of Asian Americans: unlike his parents who had labored in Detroit's Chinese laundries and restaurants, he was loud and confident, had an education and a dream, before it was shattered.


As for Shimoura, he said: "My involvement in the Vincent Chin case has validated my core values and changed the arc of my career. Today, we see China-bashing and Asian-bashing as we did Japan-bashing in those days and it's now 10 times worse." He went on to serve as an adviser in the presidential transitional organization for Bill Clinton.


Trying to get away from all the tragic memories, Lily Chan left US for China in 1987. She came back in 2001 and died of cancer the next year. She was buried alongside her son in a funeral attended by Zia, Shimoura and Chan among others. 


"She was funny, smart, loving and full of grit. She knew every decision we made and it was always up to her whether to appear in court, or be on television, or go around the country addressing crowds. She wanted to do all of those, although it meant for her to relive the pain over and over and over," said Zia, who was often seen by her side. "If she had not stood up, there would not have been a movement."

▲ 谢汉兰在新闻发布会上安慰陈果仁的母亲 谢汉兰供图


One detail Zia clearly remembers is how Lily Chin would always stop and watch whenever a baby crossed her way. "She was deprived of the grandson she had hoped for, and the son whose soul she knew would never be at peace," said Zia.


On that late evening of June 19, 1982, as Chin lay motionless on the ground, the crack of the bat on his skull echoed through the McDonald's parking lot. His last words were: "It's not fair."

编辑:朱迪齐 左卓
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