


语学习#旅游英语:Complimentary(免费的)。“Complimentary”指的是免费提供或作为礼物给予的东西,比如餐食、饮料、网络、交通工具或其他服务和便利设施。 例句:“Luke was happy to learn that his hotel offered a complimentary breakfast.(卢克很高兴的得知酒店为他提供了免费早餐。)”#AmericanEnglish#


#English Study#English for Tourism: Complimentary. “Complimentary” refers to something that is given for free or as a gift, such as meals, beverages, internet, transportation, or other services and amenities.  Here is an example: “Luke was happy to learn that his hotel offered a complimentary breakfast.”#AmericanEnglish#

English for Tourism Professional MOOC opens April 10. This course is designed for high-beginner and low-intermediate English learners (Level A2). You can learn the principles of the tourism profession, review key vocabulary and grammar, develop your listening skills, and build your confidence in communicating in English.  The enrollment opens April 10, 2023 and closes on June 26. 

For more information and to enroll go to:


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