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IEEE PES中国,PES中国区,PES中国联合会(理事会),PES中国区技术联合会(理事会),PES中国区技术委员会,PES中国区技术指导委员会 (注:PES是指IEEE电力与能源协会)
IEEE协会中国理事会, IEEE协会中国联席会,IEEE协会中国委员会,IEEE协会中国联合会
IEEE TEMS中国区/中国区理事会 (注:TEMS是指IEEE技术与工程管理协会)
IEEE IES中国区/中国区理事会(注:IES是指IEEE工业电子协会)
IEEE IAS中国区/中国区理事会(注:IAS是指IEEE工业应用协会)


IEEE中国联合会 (主席: 闻映红)
IEEE北京分会 (主席:阮秋琦)
IEEE成都分会 (主席:李少谦)
IEEE广州分会 (主席:刘德荣)
IEEE哈尔滨分会 (主席:徐殿国)
IEEE南京分会 (主席:尤肖虎)
IEEE上海分会 (主席:张文军)
IEEE武汉分会 (主席:郑贵林)
IEEE西安分会 (主席:陈景东)


IEEE PES中国专业分会联合会 PES China Chapter Council (PCCC) (主席:别朝红)

如有任何疑问,请联系 [email protected][email protected]


Bruno Meyer

2022 IEEE副主席 - 技术活动


Dear Members,

IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, has more than 400,000 members in over 160 countries. Following IEEE’s Constitution, Bylaws and related petition and approval procedures, our members have formed thousands of GeographicOrganizational Units around the world, including sections, geographic councils, chapters, student branches, affinity groups, etc. These local Geographic Organizational Units are a legitimate and vital part of IEEE. IEEE also has formed 46 technical societies and technical councils, as well as many technical communities. All of these technical groups have world- wide membership and participation.

Recently, IEEE has received a request for clarification on the validity of some entities in China which have recentlyformed, or are in the process of being formed, and operating in the name of IEEE or IEEE Societies. After some checking and investigation, IEEE has found that some entities have not complied with IEEE’s Bylaws when forming an organizational unit. These entities are not legitimate parts of IEEE.

IEEE has an open and transparent process of petitioning and forming new Geographicand Technical Organizational Units. We ask all of our members to organize themselves following IEEE’s Constitution, Bylaws, and related approval procedures. In the meantime, we request that our members do not attend activities organized by illegitimate entities.

IEEE can confirm the following entities claim to be affiliated with IEEE, but are NOT legitimate:

IEEE PES China, PES China Council, PES China Zone, PES China Technical Council, PES China Technical Committee, PES Satellite Technical Council, PES TCs (Technical Committees) in China, PES Technical Committees (China)
IEEE Society China Council, IEEE Society China Committee, IEEE Society China Association, IEEE Society China Forum
IEEE TEMS China, TEMS China Council
IEEE IES China, IES China Council
IEEE IAS China, IAS China Council
IEEE Carbon Neutrality Committee - China

Over the years, IEEE has formed many local GeographicOrganizational Units in China, including sections, councils, chapters, student branches and affinity groups. Following are some of valid Geographic Organizational Unit of IEEE and their current chairs.

IEEE China Council (Chair: WEN Yinghong)
IEEE Beijing Section (Chair: Ruan Qiuqi)
IEEE Chengdu Section (Chair: Li Shaoqian)
IEEE Guangzhou Section (Chair: Liu Derong)
IEEE Harbin Section (Chair: Xu Dianguo)
IEEE Nanjing Section (Chair: Yu Xiao-Hu)
IEEE Shanghai Section (Chair: Zhang Wenjun)
IEEE Wuhan Section (Chair: Zheng Guilin)
IEEE Xian Section (Chair: Chen Jingdong)

Additionally, the IEEE supports many Technical units that services our IEEE China membership. In particular, in PES, there was the creations of a committee intended to coordinate the PES chapter activities across China, so the following is also legitimate,

IEEE PES China Chapter Council (Chair: BIE Chaohong)

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you for your membership and support,

Bruno Meyer

2022 Vice President, Technical Activities


About IEEE

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice in a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers, and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics.Learn more at



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