2022年,瑞士阿尔卑斯雪山有史以来第一次在夏季融化季未留下任何积雪; 南极洲海冰面积一度降至192万平方公里,为有记录以来最低水平; 海洋热含量、酸化程度达到新的观测纪录,海洋生态系统面临日益严重的威胁; 东非的持续干旱、巴基斯坦的破纪录降雨以及欧洲多国的破纪录热浪影响了数千万人……
China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. This requires tremendous work, and China will make every effort to meet these goals.
Currently, China's installed capacity for renewable energy generation represents one-third of the global total. Last year alone, the global increase in renewable power generation capacity amounted to 300 GW, with China contributing a significant portion at 150 GW.
China has the bandwidth, the big data, the technology, the innovation and the knowledge to accelerate this approach. While we are focused on carbon peaking, it's also very important that we have, across the spectrum, partnerships to drive the carbon neutrality agenda.
来源: qq