资管巨头|Blackstone 2024 Data Science Analyst开启,速冲
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招聘要求 …
开放职位:2024 Data Science Analyst
工作地点:New York
岗位职责 …
Blackstone is looking to hire a passionate data scientist to be an integral member of BXDS. This individual will play a key role in accelerating a data-driven evolution within Blackstone by using advanced analytics to evaluate live private equity and real estate deals, work with our portfolio company management teams to drive business value, and work with alternative datasets to curate novel insights.
This individual needs to be dedicated to the application of data science to drive business impact, and intellectually curious about solving real-world questions from data. A data scientist will be responsible for exploring and working with a portfolio of datasets and have the opportunity to generate novel insight from the data and communicate them to business stakeholders.
The analyst will be working with diverse sets of structured and unstructured datasets. Successful candidates are creative, strategic, self-motivated, and highly detail oriented for all steps of the data analysis process, including cleansing dirty and unstructured data, data tagging, feature engineering, and mapping. They also must be an effective communicator of technical outcomes to non-technical stakeholders, creating business-friendly outputs and visualizations.
你将收获 …
Experience in a data-driven professional setting preferred
Proficiency in multiple programming and querying languages, including Python and SQL
Familiarity with big data analytical techniques and cloud technologies including Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Foundation in statistics and mathematics
Comfortable working with, and combining, disparate and diverse data sources
A strong intuition for analytical methodologies and desire to solve novel technical challenges
Excellence in balancing multiple projects and efficiently meeting goals in a fast-paced environment
Strong written and verbal communication
Ability to work independently as well as on a team
No previous experience in the financial services industry is required
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👉 宝洁 2024全职岗招聘开启,年薪$85,000.00-$115,000.00
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