


分享嘉宾|Charles K. Whitehead,康奈尔法学院 Myron C. Taylor 商法学讲席教授



审校|张旭东,UCB LL.M.






Part I 法律研究中需要避免哪些误区?

  · 实践如何与学术交集:从业者对法律的思考方式与学者大相径庭?

  · 法律如何影响商业:法律评论的作用会比简短的法律变化备忘录重要?

  · 故事分享:我与特拉华州公司法

Part II 如何培养自己形成基本思维过程?

  · 积累经验:更好地理解实践及其在法规和规则中的应用

  · 培养大局意识:学者自上而下关注,从业者自下而上关注

  · 故事分享:两笔交易对我的启发 and 我那位不做法学院院长的律界老新人

Part III 对于LL.M.项目的中国学生,推荐阅览哪些法律评论/期刊/时事通讯?可以做怎样的法律研究?

  · 阅读《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》和《金融时报》去理解商业原理

  · 利用了解美国法律的机会更好地了解中国的法律和实践

  · 故事分享:当我讲授美国公司法代理成本时开始思考中国的应用

Many students and scholars are concerned about how to effectively transfer their research results to practice and, more generally, whether their research is down-to-earth. With your extensive theoretical and practical experience in corporate and financial law, we would like to ask you the following.



What do you think are misunderstandings that need to be avoided in theoretical research?


Answer to Question a


There is a common misperception that practice and academia are two separate things, with little overlap. But strong, experienced practitioners think about the law very much in the same way as academics.  


Academics focus not just on the law itself, but on the implications of the law – where there are weaknesses and how they can be fixed, the rationale for a particular law and whether it is applicable to a particular set of circumstances. Senior practitioners think in much the same way. They do this because it’s relevant to their practice. For example, if I represent a client in a transaction, and the law in this area is evolving, I should know where the law is going and the issues my client needs to consider. It’s analogous to how academics think. If the laws have weaknesses, or if the law is changing, I must be able to advise my client of them to better understand what protections it needs. If I can address those issues through contract or in some other way, I should do so. 


In Delaware, there’s a very active bar that every year updates the Delaware corporate code to reflect changes in the market. Very thoughtful, senior corporate lawyers turn to this topic each year, with the changes often appearing over the summer. I tell my students that every summer, while they are getting suntans, I’m reading the revised Delaware code. 


When you are both a lawyer and business manager, as I was, you can see quite clearly how law impacts business. I would regularly write short memoranda on changes in the law because businesspeople without legal training don’t read law reviews. My memos would describe where the law was and where I thought the law was going and what the implications were for our business. We would base our strategy for growth, in part, on this analysis. If you’re working in a regulated industry, as I was, it is critical to know whether new regulations A, B and C will affect your business and your ability to grow. You may need to adjust your business to reflect the increased regulation or, perhaps, consider shifting to a different market. 


That approach to the law is consistent with how academics think. Academics say, here’s what the law is, the weaknesses, where the law is going (or should go), and the likely impact. When I’m a businessperson or senior lawyer, I’m thinking about the actual application of the law to a business as opposed to its theoretical application, but otherwise it’s the same basic thought process.



How can I cultivate myself to think like this?


Answer to Question b


I am joking when I say this, but “become old.” When I was a young lawyer, I would study statutes, rules, and cases carefully. And I would come up with my own analysis of how I thought the law should be applied to a particular problem. After completing the research, I would sit with the senior partner and tell him what I thought needed to be done. Almost inevitably, the partner would lean back in his chair and say, “Well, I understand your analysis, but there’s a history here that you also need to consider.” Then he would explain the norms of practice in the industry, how the practice had evolved, and why the law had taken the particular approach it did. Everything I had researched was accurate, but there was no way I could have known about the practice norms, because they were often based on things that weren’t written down. As a young lawyer, this was incredibly frustrating -- after all the work I did, here was a senior partner walking me through a history I could never have known on my own. 


But here’s the problem I face today. I’ve become the old guy. If someone asks me to explain a part of the law, most likely I will lean back in my chair and walk through the history of a particular statute or regulation, perhaps tie it to practice norms. The only difference is that I do this with students, not law firm associates.


The point is that, with experience, you’ll grow to better understand the practice and its application to statutes and regulations. Over time, you will become more perceptive, and you'll better understand why things are done the way they’re done. And with that background, you will also better understand the law, what it is intended to do, and what changes would be optimal under the circumstances. 


For the first two or three years after graduating, many students have no concrete idea of what they’re doing. Like I was, they will be in a bit of a fog since they will have just come out of law school. You will say, “Hey, what’s going on here? I just graduated from a top law school. I know everything I need to know about the law. But now, in practice, I have only a limited understanding of what to do.”


Don’t worry. This is true for everyone, including when I was a starting lawyer. It’s frustrating, but everybody is going through the same transition. About two or three years after you graduate, there will come a time when the light goes on and suddenly you will understand more clearly what is going on in practice – why deals are structured the way they're structured, and you'll understand why the different pieces fit the way they fit. At that point, anyone can throw any deal at you, even if you've never done that type of deal before, and you’ll be able to handle it without a problem.


What you won't necessarily know will be the norms of the business. Or some of the history behind the laws or the practice. But, over time, with experience, you will pick that up as well. 




I remember quite clearly when all the pieces began to fit together, when I understood how and why deals were structured in a certain way. Shortly after this, I was asked to do a very complicated structured finance transaction in the oil and gas industry, something I had not done before. 


Even though I had not done this kind of deal before, I felt fine structuring it. Of course, there were issues. I needed to become more familiar with oil and gas regulation, and I had to learn some new concepts and terminology that were special to the oil and gas industry. And, of course, I needed to understand the business objectives. But I could rely on my general knowledge of deal structuring for most of what needed to get done. The general approach to deals that I had picked up as a starting associate could now be applied to the specifics of a new deal after I learned about the particular industry.


To me, what that means is that theoretical research, a broad analysis that applies to general models, is fine and quite useful. You want to develop the ability to see the big picture. But, at the same time, even though the details can weigh you down, you must be very careful to understand them. The details should inform the big picture. An academic might consider the broader issues around the law, the problems with it, and what can be improved. A good practitioner will do the same – but because they are closer to the details, based on their practice, they should also be able to more accurately identify and address the big-picture issues and how to address them, much like an academic. 


Academics and practitioners are both looking at the big picture, just from different directions. You can think of academics as being top-down and practitioners as being bottom-up, but they end up in the same place. The problem with a bottom-up approach is practitioners sometimes get lost in the detail. The problem with the top-down approach is academics don't necessarily know all the details. The goal is to find the right balance, to be sensitive to both sides of this.


It means that when you are working on a deal, perhaps working on a trial, take a step back and think about what is being done and why. Why is the deal structured this way? What are the laws in this area, and what’s the effect of those laws? It's what we do in law school and, over time, it is what I hope all of you will do in practice.




A friend of mine was the dean of one of the major law schools. As a student he was at the top of his class at Yale Law School. He was the editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal. He clerked on the U.S. Supreme Court. So, he had the dream resume in terms of law school and career.


After clerking, when he was still very junior, he decided to join one of the major Wall Street law firms.


On his first day, the law firm’s managing partner decided to work with him. So, the managing partner came to my friend’s office and said, “Congratulations, welcome to the firm. As your first assignment, I’d like you to do a markup of the corporate secretary’s certificate for an upcoming closing.” My friend responded, “I’m thrilled to be here and working on this deal, but I have three questions. What’s a markup? What’s a corporate secretary’s certificate? And what’s a closing?” 

在他上任的第一天,律所的管理合伙人就决定与他合作。于是,管理合伙人来到我朋友的办公室,说:“恭喜,欢迎来到律所。作为你的第一个任务,我希望你为未来交割的公司秘书证书做一个标记。” 我的朋友回答说:“我很高兴来到这里并为这笔交易工作,但我有三个问题。什么是标记?什么是公司秘书证?什么是交割?”

And that’s the point. Going to law school sets you up to learn how to be a lawyer. It doesn't necessarily walk you through all the details. But you will pick them up in practice. 


As you’re practicing, also think about the business. Think about what you’re doing and why. What is the business context? What is the legal context? Why are the documents written in a particular way? What could be improved? Sometimes your answers will be completely off, but you should start thinking this way. 




When I was a third-year associate, I worked with a group of equity arbitrageurs at a major investment bank to invent a new security, which was traded on the American Stock Exchange. The Amex is now part of the New York Stock Exchange. The securities were called “equity index warrants,” and they were basically the same as index options. Up to this point, all options were traded on a specialized exchange called the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). They had never been sold on a stock exchange to retail investors, like Mom and Dad, and they had never been underwritten like a standard securities offering. On the CBOE, the options all rely on standardized terms. On the Amex, in deciding how to structure the new securities, we were making up the terms as we went along. 

当我担任三年级律师时,我与一家大型投资银行的一群股票套汇者合作,发明了一种在美国证券交易所交易的新证券。Amex(American Stock Exchange,简称为“Amex”)现在是纽约证券交易所的一部分。这些证券被称为“股票指数权证”,基本与指数期权相同。直到那时,所有期权都在芝加哥期权交易所(Chicago Board Options Exchange,简称为“CBOE”)的专业交易所进行交易,从未向散户投资者出售,也从未像正常发行那样被承销。在CBOE上,期权都依赖于标准化的条款。在Amex,在决定如何设计新证券时,我们一直在制定条款。

When they were introduced, these securities became very popular. They were the most hotly-traded securities on the Amex for the next 12 months. 


Why am I mentioning this? Because I drafted all the documents a year earlier for this new type of security. After it became a big business, a lot of other law firms jumped in. About a year later, I was on the phone negotiating with a senior partner from another law firm. We were going through the documents, and he was using my form (but he didn’t know it was my form). We got to a provision in the main agreement, and he said, “I think this section needs to be amended, because as you know, the purpose of this section is . . .”, and he started to describe why the section was there and why it needed to be changed for this deal.  


The truth is that I had drafted the particular provision to address an entirely different problem from what the senior partner was describing. Recall that this was a brand-new security, and my client did not know how it would trade in the secondary market. So we sat down late one Friday with beer and ham sandwiches, considered all the possible ways the securities might trade, and included that provision because it was “close enough.”


What did this teach me? It taught me three things. First, standard forms can be deceptive. The reason for particular provisions may not always be apparent on their face. Second, it taught me that it’s important to understand why a particular law, regulation, or standard form was drafted the way it was. Knowing the history can be important in understanding the meaning, as well as how it should be applied under the circumstances before you. It’s not that the senior partner was wrong. His points were valid, because the market had continued to evolve after the forms were first drafted. And so, third, this taught me that, even though there may be a standard practice (or, in this case, a standard form), you should always consider whether its application remains valid today, in light of changes in the world up to today.


And that’s similar to how academics think – to better understand law and its weaknesses, and how it is likely to develop today and going forward. Sometimes a mythology develops around a particular law or practice – where people understand it to have a particular meaning or purpose – and it may or may not be accurate. 



What kind of studies do you recommend for Chinese students in an LL.M. program? Which law review/journal/newsletter do you recommend Chinese LL.M. students to follow?


Answer to Question c


My advice to all students is to read The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times. You will begin to better understand the business world, deal structuring, and the business rationale for different transactions. Often, the law is incorrect or incomplete in the articles. Don’t read them to understand the law. But they are a great way to understand better the business rationale for different deals, the motivations, and why people did what they did. If you want to read only one, I prefer the Financial Times, but the Journal does a fine job too. 

我给所有学生的建议是阅读《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》和《金融时报》。因为你将开始更好地了解商业世界、交易结构和不同交易的商业原理(business rationale)。通常这些文章中的法律是不正确或者不完善的,不要通过阅读他们来理解法律。但它们是帮助你们更好理解不同交易的商业原理、动机以及为人们这样做的原因的很好方式。如果你只想阅读其中之一,我倾向于《金融时报》,《华尔街日报》同样很不错。

Regarding research, if you’re a Chinese LL.M. student in the United States, take advantage of learning about U.S. laws to understand better the laws and practices in China.




When we teach corporate law, we often adopt an economics approach to understanding corporations and markets in the United States. As you may know, a large part of corporate governance is intended to minimize “agency costs.” The basic idea is that, to the extent an organizational form can enhance informational transparency and align the interests of various stakeholders, such as shareholders and managers, it can lower agency costs and create a more efficient economic organization. And so a principal goal of U.S. corporate law is to minimize the agency costs that arise around the corporate form. 


The United States has a very deep and active equity market. For that reason, when a company raises capital, the lowest cost means of doing so is to issue stock into the public market. We focus on agency problems between shareholders and managers because we want to minimize inefficiencies that arise when a company goes public as one means to enhance value in the stock market. And this is a principal reason why fiduciary duties in the United States typically are for the benefit of a public company’s shareholders rather than other stakeholders. It is one way to reduce inefficiencies – lower the agency costs that arise when a company goes public – and, in the process, lower the cost of capital for U.S. public companies.

美国有一个非常深入和活跃的股票市场。因此,当一家公司筹集资金时,成本最低的方式是向公开市场发行股票。我们关注股东和经理之间的代理问题,因为我们希望最大限度地减少公司上市时出现的低效率,作为提高股票市场价值的一种手段。这就是为什么美国的信托义务通常是为了上市公司的股东而不是其他利益相关者的利益的主要原因。 这是减少效率低下的一种方法——降低公司上市时产生的代理成本——并在此过程中降低美国上市公司的资金成本。

Take that concept, apply it to China, and let’s consider those Chinese companies whose shares trade publicly but which may not have a substantial public float, a less-active stock market. Perhaps those firms receive their capital funding in the debt market or from other sources, including the government. Does it make sense, under those circumstances, for fiduciary duties to benefit the shareholders and not others? Probably not. 


Of course, Chinese companies still must address their own agency costs. Those costs may not arise between public shareholders and managers, as in the standard U.S. model; they may now arise between the Chinese government, managers, other capital sources, and the public shareholders. The agency cost analysis we use in the United States is still applicable. An approach to corporate governance that minimizes agency costs by aligning interests and enhancing disclosure can still apply in the Chinese context – but because the stakeholders are different, the optimal approach may also be different. 


In fact, there may be other ways to minimize agency costs beyond U.S.-style corporate governance. Due to common government ownership in China among a range of companies, there may be greater coordination across businesses that reduces inefficiencies. To the extent there is central management, a more consolidated view of how companies should operate may enhance efficiency in a way that does not exist in the United States.


The point is that Chinese LL.M. students shouldn’t study U.S. law simply to learn what we do in the United States. Of course, this may be relevant in practice, and so understanding the U.S. approach to corporate or securities regulation can be very useful. But there is more. If you were to study the U.S. system and bring that knowledge back to China, and nothing more, it might not make much sense. We are an equity-based system, while China relies more on public finance and debt. But by recognizing this, and understanding the reasons behind the U.S. approach, perhaps you might conclude that more consideration should be given to banks and other capital providers in China than in the United States. To the extent the goal is to lower the cost of capital, having fiduciary duties benefit China’s main capital providers, rather than defaulting to the standard U.S. shareholder model, may be more applicable, whether it’s banks or the national or local government or other capital providers who benefit.  


Take the same thought process, the same general model, that you learn in the United States and consider how to apply it in different contexts. There is real value to doing this. A Chinese student in the United States should do more than simply understand the U.S. system. Understand the lessons that can apply to China, that can benefit China. That’s the better approach.




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